Lesson #103 (Week ending 05/20/12)


Jer. 39 & 52:  The Fall of Jerusalem
Ø  Why didn’t God protect Jerusalem?  Application?
Ø  What does the way Nebuchadnezzar’s treatment of Zedekiah tell us about the fallen nature of mankind?
Ø  Why was Jeremiah treated differently than Zedekiah?  Application?
Ø  Did Jeremiah’s circumstances limit how he was used by God?  Application?

Jer. 40-41: Jeremiah Freed
Ø  How did the Babylonia official know to release Jeremiah?
Ø  What does the way Jeremiah was treated teach us about how God can use unbelievers to accomplish His plans?

Jer. 42:1-43:13:  Flight to Egypt
Ø  What was different with the Hebrews and their access to God than the access we have today as believers in Jesus Christ?
Ø  How long did it take for the Lord to respond to Jeremiah’s prayer for the people?  Application?
Ø  What does it mean that God was “grieved” over what had happen to His people?
Ø  When the OT speaks of a “remnant”, to what is it referring?  Is there any application for us?
Ø  How was the answer that the Lord gave Jeremiah received?  Application?

Jer. 44-45:  Idolatry
Ø  How does the Lord respond to His people who remain after He pours out His judgment?  Application?
Ø  What does God expect from His people?  (see 44:10)  Application?
Ø  Even with impending judgment, what does God always offer?

Jer. 46-51: Messages for the Gentile Nations
Ø  Even though heathen nations do not acknowledge the Lord of the Universe, is He still their God?  Application for today?
Ø  Egypt was s super power at the time.  What did God’s message to Egypt make perfectly clear?  Application for today’s super powers?
Ø  Philistia was a long time hater of God’s chosen people the Jews.  What did God’s message to the Philistines make perfectly clear?  Application for today?
Ø  From whom did the countries of Moab and Ammon descend?  Why was
God angry with them?  Application for today?
Ø  Why was God angry with Edom?  Application for today?
Ø  Why did God’s anger fall on Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam?  Application?
Ø  God used Babylon to discipline His people.  Why the judgment against them?
Ø  Who is modern day Babylon?  Is God finished with her yet?

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