LESSON #12 (Week ending 03/14/10)

Gen. 27:1 – 33:20

(There is no lesson for week ending 03/07/10)

27:1-40: A Lost Blessing

Ø Was it necessary for Rebekah to scheme and plot in order for Jacob to get Isaac's blessing?

Ø Is there any practical application from this passage concerning parental favoritism?

Ø What does this passage teach about the ramifications of sin?

Ø Was God's plan and will thwarted by the scheming of man?

Ø Application for today?

27:41-28:9: Jacob Flees

Ø What did Rebekah's deceit gain her?

Ø Why did Isaac not want Jacob to marry a Canaanite woman? Is there application for us today? (See 2 Cor. 6:14)

Ø What was Esau's response to his father's wish that Jacob not marry a Canaanite woman? Application for today?

28:10-22: Jacob's Ladder

Ø What was the significance of Jacob's dream?

Ø What response of Jacob indicated that he understood the significance of his encounter with God?

Ø What response of Jacob indicated that he didn't understand the significance of his encounter with God?

29:1-14: Jacob Meets His Extended Family

Ø Notice that when God is leading everything seems to fall into place.

ü Jacob came upon a well with flocks and shepherds when they should have been in the fields.

ü The shepherds knew Jacob's mother's family.

ü Rachel "happened" to come to the well early that day also.

Ø Where these situations coincidences?

Ø How can we differentiate between God's intervention and coincidence?

29:15-30: Two Wives

Ø Are there any parallels between Laban's deceit with Jacob and the way Jacob treated Esau?

Ø Read Galatians 6:7-8, do you think that fits in this situation?

Ø How does God use situations like the one in which Jacob found himself to teach and train one for future ministry/service?

29:31-30:24: Feuding Wives

Ø Was polygamy part of God's plan for building a great nation from Abraham's seed?

Ø Is it possible for God to use the situations in which man gets himself which are contrary to God's perfect will?

Ø Did God choose Jacob to father the twelve tribes of Israel because Jacob was a wonderful example for God's nation to follow?

Ø Why does God choose anyone?

30:25-43: God Blesses Jacob

Ø Had Laban been financially blessed by God through Jacob?

Ø Before sending Jacob back to the Promised Land, God gave him great wealth from his father-in-laws flocks. This exchange of wealth will be repeated when God used Moses to lead His people out of Egypt.

Ø What was God trying to teach Jacob? Application for us?

Chap. 31: Heading Back to the Promised Land

Ø As he had fled from his brother Esau some 20 years earlier, Jacob now has to flee for his life again.

Ø The sin of deceit that was prevalent in Jacob and in Laban is also seen in Rachel. How?

Ø Do our sins/actions influence our family members?

Ø Why was Laban prevented from interfering with the exodus of Jacob's family?

Ø Ultimately, in spite of out sins and humanness, who is in charge?

32:1-21: Preparing for a Reunion

Ø It has been 20 years since Jacob fled from his brother Esau.

Ø Was Jacob confident that Esau would welcome him with open arms?

Ø What is refreshing about the way Jacob prepared to meet his brother?

Ø What is really troubling about the way Jacob arranged to meet Esau?

32:22-32: Jacob Wrestles with God

Ø What were the circumstances that led up to this encounter?

Ø Before God can use anyone powerfully what must that person do? Application?

Ø After Jacob submitted to God why did God change his name to Israel?

Chap. 33: Brothers Reunited

Ø Was it because of the way Jacob arranged the meeting with Esau that caused Esau to greet his brother with welcome arms?

Ø Why was the animosity of Esau turned into reconciliation?

Ø What was God demonstrating to His chosen people?

Ø How does that apply to us today?

LESSON #11 (Week ending 02/28/10)

LUKE 17:1 – 19:28

17:1-10: Teachings on Sin

Ø Did Jesus teach that sin was something with which people would have to deal?

Ø What did He say about those who entice others to sin? Think about that!

Ø What are we to do if we see a brother sinning? (See also Gal. 6:1)

Ø How often should we forgive someone who has sinned against us? Who is our example?

Ø Should we look for special accolades when we do what Christ has called us to do?

17:11-19: Teachings on Faith

Ø Did Jesus use the same "formula" every time He healed? Why not?

Ø What constituted healing faith in this passage?

Ø What was different about the man who came back?

Ø How does that apply to us?

17:20-37: Teachings on the Future

Ø When did the Kingdom of God begin on earth?

Ø When Jesus said to the Pharisees "the kingdom is in you", what did He mean?

Ø Is the Kingdom of God present on earth now? If so, where?

Ø When Jesus speaks of "the days of the Son of Man", to what is He referring? The Rapture?

Ø When judgment came in the days of Noah, how many were saved?

Ø When judgment came on Sodom and Gomorrah, how many were saved?

Ø When the Son of Man is revealed, in this context where will the ones "taken" go? (Vs. 37)

18:11-14: Parables About Prayer

Ø The Persistent Widow

ü What does this parable teach about prayer?

ü Is persistent prayer the same as nagging God?

Ø The Praying Sinner

ü What does this parable teach about prayer?

ü Note the differences between the two prayers and their petitions. What can we learn from this?

18:15-17: Pure Faith

Ø Why did Jesus use little children as examples?

Ø How do we become like little children?

18:18-30: What Must I Do?

Ø When Luke wrote this wealth was seen as a blessing of God and an indication that one was in God's perfect will.

Ø Jesus' teaching indicated otherwise. Is wealth, in and on itself, wrong? Can God bless people with wealth and use them in ministry?

Ø What is the underlying truth at which Jesus is driving in this passage?

Ø To what is Jesus referring when He speaks of "the eye of a needle"?

Ø Notice the response of those who heard Jesus. How did He respond to their question?

Ø Will those who choose to follow and obey Jesus receive heavenly blessings?

18:31-34: A Prediction

Ø Jesus told His disciples very clearly what the future held for Him.

Ø Why was the meaning of Jesus' statement concerning His future hidden from the disciples?

18:35-43: "I Want To See"

Ø How does the healing of the blind man near Jericho, relate to the disciples not being able to understand Jesus' words about His impending death?

Ø Is it possible for anyone to truly "see" without the Lord removing the scales from our eyes?

Ø How do people gain spiritual vision?

19:1-10: Changed by Jesus

Ø If someone has a spiritual hunger and wants to "see" Jesus, can they, like Zacchaeus find Him?

Ø While Zacchaeus was looking to see Jesus, who actually found him?

Ø What indicated that Zacchaeus was a changed man after his encounter with Jesus?

Ø In the words of Jesus, what was His ultimate mission? (vs. 10)

19:11-27: Parable of the Minas

Ø Why did Jesus tell the parable about the minas?

Ø What are we supposed to be doing while we are awaiting His return?

Ø How are we doing?

LESSON # 10 (Week ending 02/21/10)

LUKE 14:1 – 16:31

Week ending 02/21/10

14:1-14: New Teachings

Ø Why do you think the Pharisee invited Jesus to his home?

Ø Was the ministry of Jesus influenced by the "political correctness" of His time?

Ø How does the teaching of Jesus about humbling yourself fit into the prevalent world view of today?

Ø Jesus taught by word and example the need to reach out to hurting people. How are you doing in that area?

14:15-24: The Great Banquet Feast

Ø To whom was Jesus referring as "invited guests" in verse 16?

Ø To whom was the banquet opened when the invited guests did not come?

Ø How can we apply these verses today?

14:25-35: Counting the Cost

Ø What does Jesus mean when He uses the word "hate" in this passage?

Ø What does it mean to "count the cost"?

Ø What does it mean "to give up everything"?

15:1-32: Parables of Lost Things

Ø Lost Sheep

ü What precipitated these parables?

ü What happens in heaven over the conversion of one sinner? Think about that!

ü How important to the Creator of the universe is one soul?

Ø Lost Coin

ü What does the coin, in this parable, do to help the woman locate it?

ü What happens in heaven in this case? Think about that!

ü How important to the Creator of the universe are you?

Ø Lost Son

ü Did the prodigal son find the happiness for which he was searching?

ü What was the attitude of the prodigal when he returned to his father?

ü Did the father harbor any resentment toward the prodigal?

ü Were there future consequences to the prodigal's actions?

ü What was the response of the other brother to the prodigal? Do we ever respond to new believers that way?

16:1-15: More Parables

Ø Why was the wasteful, shrewd manager commended by his master?

Ø How did Jesus apply this parable to His disciples?

Ø Is worldly wealth all its cracked up to be?

Ø How did this teaching fly-in-the-face of the contemporary teaching of Jesus' day?

Ø How does this teaching fly-in-the-face of teaching in our day?

16:16-18: More Teachings

Ø What is the difference between the teachings of the Law and the Prophets and the teaching of the Good News of the Kingdom?

Ø How were people trying to "force" their way into the Kingdom?

Ø Do people try to "force" their way into God's good graces today?

Ø Is their anyway the Law can be changed so that men can keep it?

Ø Why did Jesus use the example of divorce and remarriage here?

16:19-31: A Glimpse into Hades

Ø To what does "Abraham's side (bosom) refer?

Ø To what does Hades refer?

Ø What can we learn about these two places in reference to one another?

Ø When people reject God's teachings (His Word) can they be persuaded by miracles?

LESSON #9 (Week ending 02/14/10)

LUKE 11:37 – 13:35

Week ending 02/14/10

11:37-53: Woe To You . . .

Ø Why do you think the Pharisees invited Jesus to eat with them?

Ø Did Jesus show tolerance toward the Pharisees and their hypocritical practices?

Ø When told by one of the Pharisees that He was "insulting" them, did Jesus become more tolerant?

Ø How should we handle the "Pharisee" that lives within each of us?

Ø Should we be bold when proclaiming the Word of God?

12:1-12: Warnings and Encouragements

Ø What did Jesus warn His disciples against in these verses?

Ø What does it mean to "acknowledge" Jesus before men? Forwarding e-mails?

Ø What does it mean to "blaspheme the Holy Spirit"? (See Luke 11:14-28)

Ø Who is the Teacher of the Word of God?

12:13-21: The Trappings of Greed

Ø Why did Jesus refuse to be the arbitrator of the inheritance?

Ø Is greed a problem today?

Ø Why is greed such a deceiver of men?

12:22-34: No Room for Worry

Ø When we worry, what are we displaying?

Ø Jesus exhorts His followers to seek one thing, what is it?

Ø Along with worry comes fear. Is that of God? Why do we fear?

12:35-48: Be Ready

Ø Why did Jesus exhort His disciples to be ready?

Ø Looking at the examples in this passage, what does it mean to be ready?

Ø For how long did Jesus tell His disciples to be on the ready? Application to us?

12:49-59: Know The Signs

Ø Notice the questions Jesus asks: "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth?" "How is it you don't know how to interpret this present time?" "Why don't you judge for yourself what is right?"

Ø What is His underlying theme throughout these questions?

Ø Do we truly understand and apply to our lives His teachings?

13:1-9: Everyone Has A Choice

Ø What does it mean "to repent"?

Ø What does it mean "to perish"?

Ø Is God's grace and long-suffering going to last forever? Application for us?

13:10-17: Lord of the Sabbath

Ø Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath? Was He unaware that it would cause problems?

Ø Have we become pharisaical in our limiting how, where, and when Jesus can work today?

Ø When the Lord corrects us in areas where we have been hypocritical, what is our response? Humiliation? Praise?

13:18-21: What is the Kingdom of God Like?

Ø Explain the comparison of the Kingdom to a mustard seed and yeast.

Ø What part do each of us play in that analogy?

Ø What did the mustard seed and yeast do in and by themselves?

13:22-30: The Narrow Door

Ø Why will many try to enter the Door but will not be able to?

Ø Is there coming a time when no one will be able to enter any more?

Ø Will our doing "Jesus like things" give us entry through the Door?

Ø What is THE prerequisite for entering through the Door?

13:31-35: Sorrow for Jerusalem

Ø Why was Jesus so sorrowful for Jerusalem?

Ø Who did Jerusalem represent?

Ø Are we sorrowful (or judgmental) toward a lost a dying world?