LESSON #48 (Week ending 12/12/10)

2 Corinthians 1-7

1:1-11: The God of all Comfort

Ø What does it mean that God comforts us?

- paracleto – to draw alongside/the H.S. is called our paraclete

- "The principle is important. Ministry requires vulnerability. Our human frailties, which make us susceptible to suffering, at the same time enable us to display God's comforting love. Only when we show our weaknesses can we also reveal the strength of our Lord."[1]

Ø What should we do with the comfort we have experienced from God?

Ø What does the comfort of God produce in believers?

1:12-2:4: Boasting About Christ

Ø On what did Paul base any boasting?

Ø What did Paul mean when he of God's "seal of ownership"?

Ø What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is a "deposit and a guarantee"?

2:5-11: Forgiveness

Ø To whom was Paul referring in these verses?

Ø What is the end hope of forgiveness?

Ø Application for us?

2:12-3:17: Ministers of the New Covenant

Ø According to Paul, how are Christians perceived by others?

Ø Why does Paul have confidence to share Christ? Apply that to yourself.

Ø To what event does Paul compare the ministry of the Holy Spirit?

Ø Why could Paul declare himself to be bold? Are you bold for Christ?

Ø Believers are supposed to reflect Christ's glory and be transformed into His likeness. Think about how that is working out in your life.

4:1-18: Jars of Clay

Ø Who is it that blinds people's eyes to the truth of the Gospel?

Ø What are the "earthen jams" to which Paul refers?

Ø Why does God use "earthen jars"?

Ø What is Paul's advice/remedy for our failing bodies and our limited time on earth?

Ø On whom should we fix our eyes every moment of every day?

5:1-10: Heaven

Ø How can we know for sure that we have "an eternal house in heaven"?

Ø Why do we groan here on earth?

Ø Who is our guarantee and deposit? Do believers have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ? Why or why not?

5:11-6:2: Ministry of Reconciliation

Ø Reconciliation = Katalasso which means to restore to harmony. God has done everything needed in Christ to bring us into harmony with Him (positionally). But individual believers must choose to bring daily life and attitude into harmony (experientially). Paul's mission is to persuade believers to make that choice for themselves."[2]

Ø What is it that compels Paul to share the Gospel? Application?

Ø What does Paul say about those who are in Christ?

Ø What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? Is Paul speaking only of himself or is there application for us?

6:3-7:1: Advice From Paul

Ø What does it mean to "put a stumbling block in anyone's path"?

Ø Was Paul self-centered in his ministry to others? Application for us?

Ø What does it mean to be yoked to an unbeliever?

Ø Why is this such an important teaching?

Ø To what relationship do you think this applies?

Ø What should understanding these teachings cause us to do?

7:2-16: Paul's Joy

Ø Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was disciplinary in nature and caused them some pain and sorrow.

Ø Why did Paul not regret bringing sorrow on the Corinthians?

Ø What does Godly sorrow accomplish in a believer?

[1]Richards, L. O. (1991; Published in electronic form by Logos Research Systems, 1996). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (775). Wheaton: Victor Books.

[2]Richards, L. O. (1991; Published in electronic form by Logos Research Systems, 1996). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (778). Wheaton: Victor Books.



Winter Quarter 2011

Lessons available on line at: athreeyearjourney.blogspot.com



Dec. 05 NO CLASS

Dec. 12 2 Corinthians 1 – 7 123 – 127

Dec. 19 2 Corinthians 8 – 13 127 – 130

Dec. 26 Micah 1 – 7 131 – 134

Jan. 02 1 Timothy 1 – 6 135 – 138

Jan. 09 Titus 1 – 3 139 – 140

Jan. 16 2 Timothy 1 – 4 141 – 143

Jan. 23 Leviticus 1 – 15 147 – 150

Jan. 30 Leviticus 16 – 27 150 – 153

Feb. 06 Hebrews 1 – 6 154 – 157

Feb. 13 Hebrews 7 – 10 157 – 160

Feb. 20 Hebrews 11 – 13 160 – 162

Feb. 27 Numbers 1 – 12 163 – 166

March 06 NO CLASS

LESSON #47 (Week ending 11/28/10)

PSALMS 37:1-41:13

Psalm 37: The Problem with Evil (A Wisdom Psalm)

Ø Is there evil in this world?

Ø Do the N.T. teachings of Jesus discount the presence of evil and evil people?

Ø Why did David tell his readers to not fret about evil doers?

Ø List how we can best defend ourselves against evil?

Ø How does Jesus teach us to respond to evil?

Ø If the Lord delights in a man, what will happen to that man?

Ø From whom does salvation of the righteous come?

Psalm 38: A Prayer of David (A Penitent Psalm)

Ø How does David view his sin?

Ø Did David realize there were consequences to his sin?

Ø The fact that David was a man after God's own heart illustrates that the righteous person is not sinless but is always eager to correct his errors. In contrast, the wicked person is content to stay in his sins.

Ø How do we view our sins?

Ø What can we learn from this prayer?

Psalms 39: The Smallness of Man (A Penitent Psalm)

Ø Was David able to bridle his tongue? Application?

Ø When he lost control of his tongue, what did David do?

Ø In his prayer David asked for several things. List them.

Ø Application for us?

Psalm 40: Praise to You O Lord! (A Praise Psalm)

Ø What does it mean to "wait patiently for the Lord"?

Ø At God's perfect timing, list all that He did for David?

Ø What is it that God desires from us according to David? Are there other passages that teach this also? (See 1 Sam. 15:22)

Ø From Whom did David seek help and guidance? Application?

Psalm 41: God is the Deliverer (A Praise Psalm)

Ø From what did God deliver David?

Ø How does the Lord protect His own?

Ø When all of life seems against us, to whom can we always turn?

Ø Does the Lord hear us when we are in distress? Application?

LESSON #46 (Week ending 10/21/10)

PSALMS 30:1-36:12


* Praise psalms. These focus on the person of God and praise Him by describing His nature or His qualities. This type of psalm is illustrated by Psalms 33, 103, and 139.

* Historical/Wisdom psalms. These review God's dealings with His people. Illustrations are Psalms 68, 78, 105, and 106.

* Relational psalms. These psalms explore the personal relationship which exists between God and the believer. They are illustrated by Psalms 8, 16, 20, 23, and 55.

* Imprecatory psalms. These are psalms in which the worshiper calls on God to overthrow the wicked. Among them are Psalms 35, 69, 109, and 137.

* Penitential psalms. In these the psalmist expresses sorrow over his failures and confesses his sins to God. Examples are Psalms 6, 32, 51, 102, 130, and 143.

* Messianic psalms. These psalms refer in some way to Christ, who is to come from David's family line. Many such psalms are indicated by references in the New Testament. Psalms which the New Testament indicates refer to Christ are Psalms 2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 45, 69, 72, 89, 102, 109–110, and 132.

* Liturgical psalms. These are psalms which were used in Israel's worship at specific times of the year or on special occasions. Liturgical psalms may be illustrated by Psalms 30, 92, and Psalms 120–134.[1]

Psalm 30: A Song of Praise for the Mercies of God (A Praise Psalm)

Ø List what God did for which David rejoiced.

Ø What does this Psalm teach about God's mercy?

Ø Notice David's response to God's mercy. Application for us?

Psalm 31: The Lord is my Refuge (A Praise Psalm)

Ø What adjectives does David use to describe how God cares for him?

Ø What act or decision of David's delivered him from the troubles around him (vs. 14)?

Ø Notice David's exaltation in verses 23-24. Is that your prayer and praise also?

Psalms 32: God's Blessings (A Praise Psalm)

Ø What does David count as his blessings?

Ø What did David do to free himself from God's "heavy hand"?

Ø Who is David's "hiding place"? How about you, who is your "hiding place"?

Psalm 33: Praise to You O Lord! (A Praise Psalm)

Ø In what ways did David praise the Lord? Application for us?

Ø Was David a believer in evolution?

Ø Who is in ultimate control of the nations on earth? What does this tell us about man's attempts to control his own destiny?

Psalm 34: God is the Deliverer (A Praise Psalm)

Ø From what did God deliver David?

Ø How does the Lord protect His own?

Ø Does the Lord hear us when we are in distress? Application?

Psalm 35: Praise the Lord (An Imprecatory Psalm)

Ø How did David's enemies persecute him?

Ø To whom did David call to contend with his enemies?

Ø Application for us?

Ø Are imprecatory prayers applicable for today?

Psalm 36: Lord, Hear My Cry (A Relational Psalm)

Ø How does David view the wicked?

Ø How does David view God?

Ø Do we believe that God's love will overcome wickedness?

[1]Richards, L., & Richards, L. O. (1987). The teacher's commentary. Includes index. (326). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.

LESSON # 45 (Week ending 11/14/10)

1 Corinthians 11:2-16:24

11:2-16: Correction in Worship

Ø Remember that the book of Corinthians was written by Paul to correct errors in the church at Corinth.

Ø According to Paul there is a hierarchy in the family of God. Why?

Ø Is this hierarchy in any way denigrating to women?

Ø What was Paul's response to those who disagreed with him about this teaching?

Ø Application for us?

11:17-34: Communion

Ø Was Paul happy with the way the Corinthians were celebrating the Lord's Supper? Why or why not?

Ø What is the reason for celebrating communion?

Ø What does it mean to take communion in an "unworthy" manner?

Ø What are the results of taking communion in an "unworthy" manner?

Ø Does that still apply for us today?

12:1-31: Spiritual Gifts

Ø Why did God give gifts to men?

Ø Are all the gifts Paul lists still given to men today? Why or why not?

Ø Does everyone have all the gifts?

Ø Why do some have particular gifts and others do not?

Ø How does the physical body resemble the giving and use of spiritual gifts?

Ø Do you know your spiritual gift? Are you happy with it? Are you using it?

13:1-13: Love

Ø The context of this passage teaches that the Corinthians were more concerned about their personal spiritual gift than they were about loving others. How about you?

Ø Do spiritual gifts accomplish anything without love?

Ø How is love defined in this passage?

Ø What was the greatest demonstration of love ever given?

14:1-25: Special Gifts

Ø What does Paul mean when he speaks of the gift of prophecy in this context?

Ø Why is it more profitable that some of the other gifts?

Ø Why, in verse 20, does Paul refer to the Corinthians as "children"?

Ø Application for us today?

14:26-40: More Correction in Worship

Ø The Corinthians were coming to worship services to impress others, not to worship God. What does Paul say about this?

Ø What should the bottom line be when it comes to worship services (vs. 40)?

Ø Application for us?

15:1-58: Resurrection

Ø Why did Paul have to remind the Corinthians of the Gospel?

Ø How did Paul define the Gospel in this passage?

Ø Did all the Corinthians believe in resurrection from the dead?

Ø How did Paul respond to this incorrect view of the resurrection?

Ø What does Paul mean when he refers to being "baptized for the dead"?

Ø What does Paul tell us about our resurrection bodies and how they will differ from our earthly bodies?

16:1-24: Final Thoughts

Ø What did Paul teach about giving?

Ø Note Paul's instructions in verse 13. Here he synthesizes the teachings of this letter. How can we apply this to our daily walk with Christ?

LESSON # 44 (Week ending 11/07/10)

I Corinthians 1:1-11:1


"Paul arrives in Corinth after his visit to Athens, and stays there for about eighteen months between ad 50 and 52. Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles how Paul lives with a Jewish couple, Aquila and Priscilla, and joins them in their business of tent making (Acts 18:1–3).

Paul founds the church in Corinth, and then moves on to Ephesus. In Ephesus he gets news from Corinth that various problems have arisen. It is to deal with these problems that he writes the letter we know as 1 Corinthians.

The church in Corinth is reflecting the society in which it is set. There is pride, selfishness, jealousy and immorality. There are splits between different groups and there is rivalry between the leaders.

Some of the questions being raised are very practical — about sex and marriage, living among pagans and paying apostles. Others are more spiritual — understanding spiritual gifts, controlling Christian meetings and believing in the resurrection.

Paul takes each problem in turn and shows how the gospel applies to it. He has a brilliant mind and a warm heart. He gives guidelines for holiness in a pagan society. He puts spiritual gifts in their proper perspective. He teaches about leading worship meetings, and the meaning of the Lord's Supper."[1]


1:1-17: Thanksgiving

Ø To whom is Paul writing this letter? How does he address them?

Ø Why was Paul thankful for these believers?

Ø Why was Paul upset with these believers?

Ø Applications for us today?

1:18-2:5: Who is this Christ?

Ø How does Paul describe Jesus in this passage?

Ø How does Paul see the wisdom of man compared to God's wisdom?

Ø Did Paul exalt his own abilities in ministry?

Ø Application?

2:6-16: Wisdom

Ø What does Paul mean when he speaks of "God's secret wisdom"?

Ø From whom is God's wisdom secret and to whom is God's secret revealed?

Ø How does this explain the unsaved person's attitude toward God and the things of God?

3:1-23: A Divided Church

Ø Why was Paul upset with the church at Corinth?

Ø Is it ever wise to build one's hope and trust on a man?

Ø On what should we build our belief system?

Ø Application for us today.

4:1-21: Apostles of Christ

Ø How did Paul view his Apostleship?

Ø In what ways did Paul encourage the Corinthians to imitate him?

Ø How did Paul multiply his ministry with people?

Ø Application?

5:1-13: Dealing with Immoral Brothers

Ø What was Paul's teaching on immorality among believers?

Ø If we are not to judge one another, how could Paul pass judgment on this individual?

Ø Why is important to judge and deal with those within the church?

Ø Was Paul's admonition to expel the offender to severe?

6:1-11: How to Handle Disputes Between Brothers

Ø Does Paul see a difference between believers and unbelievers when it comes to disputes?

Ø How did he teach the Corinthians to deal with such matters?

Ø Is that still relevant for the church today?

Ø What is the proper way for a believer to respond when they have been wronged?

6:12-20: Sexual Immorality

Ø What is Paul's argument against sexual immorality?

Ø Define sexual immorality.

Ø To whom does the believer belong? Are we living like that is true in our lives?

7:1-40: Marriage

Ø What is one of the main reasons for marriage?

Ø What does Paul say about separation and divorce? Why?

Ø How can an unbelieving spouse be sanctified through a believing spouse?

Ø If an unbelieving spouse leaves does that give the believing spouse the freedom to remarry?

Ø Does death of a spouse free the other spouse for remarriage?

8:1-13: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Ø What is Paul's major argument about eating or not eating food sacrificed to idols?

Ø Can our behavior influence others? Application.

9:1-27: The Rights of an Apostle

Ø What qualified Paul as an Apostle?

Ø Did Paul take advantage of his position? Application for us?

Ø Why does Paul preach the Gospel? Application for us?

Ø What was Paul's concern about how he handles his ministry?

10:1-11:1: Warnings

Ø What can we learn from the Israelites and the fact that God was not pleased with them?

Ø Is there ever a time when we are tested beyond what we can stand?

Ø What was it that caused God's displeasure with Israel? Is that something that could happen to us?

Ø If we are not bound by the low, everything is permissible, why should we consider how our actions would affect others?

[1] Knowles, A. (2001). The Bible guide (1st Augsburg books ed.) (576). Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg.