LESSON #35 (Week ending 08/29/10)

Proverbs 1:1-11:13


"The Book of Proverbs is a book of moral and ethical instructions, dealing with many aspects of life. The teachings in this book guide its readers in how to lead wise, godly lives and how to avoid the pitfalls of unwise, ungodly conduct.

It has a broad, timeless appeal because of its great variety of subjects and their relevance to everyday life. Proper and improper attitudes, conduct, and characteristics are referred to repeatedly and in succinct, penetrating ways. Proverbs is God's book on "how to wise up and live." It is His treasure book of wisdom." (Bible Knowledge Commentary)

Authorship: Proverbs has several authors the primary one being Solomon.


The purpose of Proverbs is given in the introduction to the book -- Prov. 1:2-4, 6: (a) "for attaining wisdom and discipline," (b) "for understanding words of insight," (c) "for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life," (d) "for giving prudence to the simple," (e) "for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise." (BKC)


Proverbs 1:1-7: Proverbs – The Purpose and Theme

Ø List the four reasons that God gave us the Proverbs

Ø What is the beginning of knowledge?

Ø How can one determine whether or not he is a "fool"?

Proverbs 1:8-33: Embrace Wisdom

Ø Why is it important to pick good friends?

Ø In what ways do bad friends entice someone?

Ø In contrast to bad friends, what should we seek?

Ø What is the advantage of rejecting fools and listening to wisdom?

Proverbs 2: The Moral Benefits of Wisdom

Ø What is learned and is one of the great benefit of seeking wisdom?

Ø What does God do for one who seeks His wisdom?

Ø What happens when wisdom enters one's heart?

Ø From what/or whom will wisdom save you?

Proverbs 3: More Benefits of Wisdom

Ø What is our responsibility when it comes to wisdom?

Ø Wisdom teaches us to trust in the Lord. Why?

Ø Why is it important to honor God with our wealth? What is wealth?

Ø When God disciplines us what does that teach us about our relationship with Him?

Ø How can we tell if God is disciplining us or if Satan is coming against us?

Ø How are we to act toward others?

Proverbs 4: Listen . . .

Ø Once we obtain wisdom what are we to do with it?

Ø How can wisdom guard your earthly walk?

Ø How can wisdom guard your heart?

Ø How can wisdom guard your tongue?

Ø How can wisdom guard your eyes?

Proverbs 5: Warning Against Adultery

Ø What are the temptations of sexual pleasure?

Ø What are the consequences of falling into sexual sins?

Ø What is the remedy for being able to with stand sexual sins?

Ø Are sexual sins ever hidden sins? Why or why not?

Proverbs 6: Pitfalls to Avoid

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who go into debt for someone else?

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who are lazy?

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who are corrupt?

Ø What seven things does God hate?

Ø What are the consequences of illicit sex?

Ø How do all of these things apply to us?

Proverbs 7: More Warnings Against Adultery

Ø Why is Solomon so knowledgeable in this area?

Ø The human sin nature is easily lead astray, is that still true today?

Ø Are sexual sins limited only to the male gender?

Ø What is the final outcome of succumbing to the adulteress?

Ø What sound advice does Solomon give to stand against the adulteress?

Proverbs 8: Wisdom's Call

Ø What does it mean that "wisdom calls out" to men?

Ø Is it possible to know what God considers wise and prudent?

Ø What is prudence? (vs. 12)

Ø How long has wisdom been around?

Ø What happens to those who find wisdom?

Ø What happens to those who fail to find wisdom?

Proverbs 9: Wisdom's Fruits and Folly's Pain

Ø What are the promises of wisdom?

Ø What are the benefits of following wisdom

Ø What are the promises of folly?

Ø What are the consequences of following folly?

Proverbs 10-11: Right vs. Wrong

Ø What are the comparisons between the wise and the foolish?

Ø What are the comparisons between righteous and the unrighteous?

Ø Do these proverbs apply to us today? How?

LESSON #34 (Week ending 08/22/10)


Background: This epistle by Paul is one of his greatest and most influential writings. "In the early church, as the separation between Judaism and Christianity was taking place, the letter to the Galatians no doubt helped clarify that cleavage. Centuries later it played such a key role in the Reformation that it was called "the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation." This was because its emphasis on salvation by grace through faith alone was the major theme of the preaching of the Reformers. Luther was especially attached to Galatians . . . .

The profound influence of this small epistle continues. It is indeed the "Magna Charta of Christian Liberty," proclaiming to modern generations that salvation from the penalty and power of sin comes not by works but by grace through faith in God's provision." (Walvoord and Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary)

Purpose: "Galatians was written to remedy a desperate situation, to call early Christians back from the Mosaic Law to grace, from legalism to faith. It is an emphatic statement of salvation by faith apart from works and is as relevant today as when it was originally penned." (Walvoord and Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary)


Galatians 1: No Other Gospel

Ø To what "other gospel" were the Galatians turning?

Ø What was Paul's response to the "other gospel"?

Ø According to Paul, is it possible to please men and please God?

Ø How did Paul receive the Gospel he preached?

Ø Where did Paul go after his conversion? Why?

Ø Are there times when we need to get away to hear the Lord?

Galatians 2: Paul an Apostle

Ø What is the significance of Paul being accepted by the Apostles?

Ø What is an Apostle? Does Paul fit into that definition?

Ø What caused the disagreement between Paul and Peter?

Ø Is there application for us here? When is it proper to confront a brother or sister in the Lord?

Ø What did Paul use to defend his position in the dispute?

Ø What is Paul's bottom line in this passage? (See 2:20)

Galatians 3: Faith vs. Law

Ø What were the Galatians doing that so upset Paul in this passage?

Ø Is it ever possible to receive anything from God by observing the Law? Why or why not?

Ø How does one, like Abraham, receive God's righteousness?

Ø What happens to those who rely on the law? Why?

Ø How is anyone redeemed from the curse of the law?

Ø What was the purpose of the law?

Ø How does one become a "son of God"?

Ø What does it mean that there is "neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female"?

Ø Application?

Galatians 4: Sons of God

Ø What does the phrase "when the time had fully come" (vs. 4:4) mean?

Ø What happens to a believer when he is redeemed?

Ø What is the significance of being a "son" and an "heir"?

Ø The Galatians were easily influenced by outside pagan sources, is that true of we believers today?

Ø What does the example of Hagar and Sarah teach about law and grace?

Galatians 5: True Freedom

Ø Is it possible to be truly free apart from Christ?

Ø How can becoming a "slave" for Christ = freedom?

Ø Non-believers typically express that they do not want to be bound by the rules and regulations of Christianity, they want their freedom. Are they in fact free?

Ø What, according to Paul, is the clear demonstration of being free in Christ?

Ø What advice does Paul give to keep from gratifying the desires of the flesh?

Ø What are the acts of the sinful nature?

Ø What is the fruit of the spirit?

Galatians 6: Christian Living

Ø What does it mean for a brother to "be caught in a sin"?

Ø Who are the "spiritual" ones to which he refers?

Ø What caution does Paul give when we are helping others deal with their sin?

Ø What does verse 6:7-10 teach about consequences to our actions?

Ø What is Paul's philosophy about personal boasting? What can we learn from that?

Ø What is the bottom line teaching of Paul in this letter?

LESSON #33 (Week ending 08/15/10)

Joshua 10:1-24:33

Joshua 10 & 12: The Sun Stands Still

Ø What happened in Jerusalem when Joshua defeated Jericho, Ai, and the people of Gibeon?

Ø What happens when God defeats Satan today?

Ø What won the battle for the Israelites, their abilities or the intervention of God? Application?

Ø When the text says that "the sun stood still and the moon stopped", is that to be taken literally?

Ø Did Joshua stop when his enemies were running away in retreat? Application for us?

Ø Why did Joshua kill the five kings?

Ø Why were all the people of every city totally destroyed?

Joshua 13-21: Joshua Divides the Land

Ø Did the Israelites succeed is driving out all the inhabitants of the land? Consequences? Application for us?

Ø What does the division of the land teach about God?

Ø What was the significance of the land to the Israelites? Does that apply to the Church?

Ø Why did the Levites receive specific towns rather than a piece of ground? Is there any application for us today?

Joshua 22: Going Back

Ø What did Joshua command the Reubenites, Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh as they returned to the other side of the Jordan?

Ø What did these tribes do that offended the rest of Israel?

Ø Why did the tribes build an alter?

Ø What does this division among the people teach us?

Joshua 23: A Farewell Message

Ø What are the major elements of Joshua's farewell speech?

Ø Why did Joshua call for separation from the Canaanites? Application?

Ø What are the consequences of turning away from God's commands? Application?

Joshua 24: The Covenant Renewed

Ø On whom is the basis of the covenant built?

Ø In our relationship with Christ, who is the basis of that relationship?

Ø What was the response that God desired from the Israelites in light of all He had done for them?

Ø What is the response that Jesus desires from those who profess His as Lord and Savior?

LESSON #32 (Week ending 08/08/10)

Joshua 1:1-9:29


The author is unknown. It was possibly Joshua and an unknown writer who finished the book after Joshua's death. Date of the book corresponds with the events in the book around 1400 BC.


It is the official record of the fulfillment of God's promise to the Patriarchs to give them a land of their own.

Joshua 1: "The Lord said to Joshua"

Ø Moses is called "servant of the Lord" three times in Joshua. At the end of his life Joshua will also be given that label. What a testimony to these two men!

Ø Did the promise God made to Joshua have any conditions? (Vs. 6-9)

Ø Why did the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh take possession of land outside of the land promised by God? Were there any ramifications to this?

Ø Notice the response of the Reubenites, Gadites, and half-tribe of Manasseh to Joshua in verses 16-18. Thoughts?

Joshua 2: Spies Check out the Land

Ø Why was Joshua especially interested in Jericho?

Ø Why did the spies go to the house of Rahab?

Ø Rahab lied to protect the spies. Is it ever acceptable to lie?

Ø What caused the "great fear" in Jericho (vs. 8-13)?

Ø What is the significance of the "scarlet cord" in verses 17-18?

Ø Do we ever hear of Rahab again?

Joshua 3&4: Entering the Land

Ø What is the significance of the people being lead by the Ark?

Ø Was the Jordan River a barrier? What did God do again? Application?

Ø Where did God position Himself while the Israelites crossed the Jordan? Significance for us?

Ø Why did God instruct Joshua to erect a monument of 12 stones? For what purpose is a memorial to God? Do we, as the church, today have any such "memorials"?

Ø What happened as a result of God drying up the Jordan (see vs. 4:24)?

Joshua 5: Re-instituting Circumcision

Ø Why did Joshua have to circumcise the Jews?

Ø After the Israelites were safely in the Promised Land the manna from Heaven stopped. Why?

Ø If a blessing from God stops does that mean He abandoned us? What else could it mean?

Ø In verse 5:13, to whom did Joshua ask: "Are you for us or against us?"

Ø How was Joshua's question answered? Application?

Ø What was Joshua's response to being in the presence of the Lord? Application?

Joshua 6: Fall of Jericho

Ø At what point in the Jericho narrative did God give the city to the Israelites? Application?

Ø Why did God require Israel to march around the city seven times?

Ø Do you see any application to the church today that can be gleaned from the Jericho account?

Ø In vs. 18 the Jews are instructed to keep away from "devoted things". To what does this refer?

Ø Why was "every living thing" in Jericho destroyed? Application?

Ø What happened to Rahab.

Joshua 7& 8: Secret Sin

Ø Why did God get angry with Israel?

Ø How was His anger demonstrated?

Ø Is there such a thing as a "private sin"? Does our sin affect others around us?

Ø Is it possible to stand against the enemy without God on our side?

Ø In verses 14-21 the nation is examined to find who sinned. Is it possible to hide from God?

Ø Are there consequences to our sin?

Ø What is God's reaction when one confesses and deals with sin?

Joshua 9: Worldly Deception

Ø What can we learn from the deception of the Gibeonites?

Ø What did Joshua and the Israelites forget to do before believing the Gibeonites? Application?

Ø See Proverbs 3:5-7.