Lesson #101 (Week ending May 06, 2012)

Matthew 24-28

Matthew 24:  Signs of the End
Ø  How did Jesus answer His disciples concerning when the end of the age would come?  Application for us?
Ø  List the things that Jesus indicates will precede the end.  What do these things tell us about the times in which we live?
Ø  What will happen after the events listed by Jesus?
Ø  When will this final event take place?  How should we react to this information?

Matthew 25: Parables and Teachings
Ø  To whom do the ten virgins refer?
Ø  To whom do the five foolish virgins refer?  The five wise virgins?
Ø  Is this parable applicable for us today?
Ø  In the parable of the talents, who is the man who went on a journey?
Ø  Who are the servants?
Ø  What is the lesson taught and how does it apply to us?
Ø  When will Jesus separate the sheep from the goats?
Ø  To whom do the goats refer?  The sheep?  Application?
Ø  What criteria did Jesus use to separate the sheep from the goats?  Application for us?
Ø  Does Jesus indicate the length of time the sheep and the goats will be in their final destination?  Application?

Matthew 26: Moving Toward the End of Jesus Earthly Life
Ø  What, according to 26:1, signals the end of Jesus’ public ministry?
Ø  Was His impending arrest and crucifixion a surprise to Jesus?
Ø  What was the significance of the pouring of the perfume on His head?
Ø  What is the significance of one of the twelve being used by Satan to betray Jesus?  Application for today?
Ø  In that first Lord’s Supper what did Jesus represent Himself to be?
Ø  What is the significance of sharing in the body and blood of Jesus?  Is this still true for today?
Ø  How did Jesus know that the other eleven disciples would leave Him that night and Peter would deny Him?  Was Peter strong enough to stand?
Ø  During His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, was Jesus pleading with the Father to preserve His life?  What can we learn from this prayer?
Ø  What stands out to you about the arrest of Jesus?
Ø  Was the trial before the Sanhedrin a legal trial?  Why or why not?

Matthew 27: The Final Days
Ø  Did Judas show any repentance after he had betrayed Jesus?
Ø  What can we learn from Judas?
Ø  Why did Pilate give in to the religious leaders and turn Jesus over to them?  Was this an unexpected turn of events in God’s grand plan?
Ø  What was the significance of Jesus being mocked by the soldiers?
Ø  Was crucifixion a new form of death invented for Jesus?  How is this type of capital punishment described by historians?
Ø  How did Jesus react to all the insults that were being hurled at Him?  What is our lesson from that?
Ø  Why was there darkness for three hours?  What can we learn from this event?
Ø  How did Jesus die?  Why were people so surprised that His death can soon?
Ø  What events took place when Jesus gave up His life?  What do these things mean?
Ø  Why was Jesus not properly buried right away?  Significance?
Ø  Why were guards place at the tomb?

Matthew 28:  RESURRECTION!
Ø  Why do we worship on Sunday rather than the Sabbath?
Ø  What cause the violent earthquake that moved the stone?  Did the stone have to be moved so the risen Christ could get out?  Why was it moved?
Ø  What happened to the guards when they saw the angel?  Application?
Ø  What did the angel instruct the women to do?
Ø  What did Jesus tell the women?
Ø  How did the religious leaders handle disappearance of Jesus?  Is that still a theory today?  What is the answer to that theory?
Ø  To whom did Jesus give the Great Commission?  Why do you think He gave it directly to them?

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