LESSON # 81 (Week ending 11/27/11)

John 1 - 6

John 1:1-18:  The Birth of Christ
Ø  Why is John’s account of Christ’s birth so different than the other Gospels?
Ø  According to our text, who is the Creator?
Ø  To whom did the Word come?  How does that affect us today?

John 1:19-34:  John the Baptizer
Ø  Who did John profess to be?
Ø  What did Jesus saw about John?
Ø  Is there any difference between John’s baptism and the water baptism we do today?
Ø  How did John know that Jesus was the Messiah?  Did he know Jesus before that revelation?

John 1:35-51:  The First Disciples
Ø  What is a disciple?  Did anyone other than Jesus have disciples?
Ø  What happened to two of John’s disciples?
Ø  How did Nathanael come to know Jesus?

John 2:  Jesus’ First Public Ministries
Ø  What does the way Jesus responded to Mary tell us?  Was it a rebuke of His mother?
Ø  What is the significance of this first miracle?
Ø  Why was Jesus so upset about what was happening in the Temple?  How did His actions there set the stage for His future conflicts with the religious leaders?

John 3:1-21:  Nicodemus
Ø  What was Nicodemus’ background?  Significance?
Ø  What does Jesus mean when He uses the phrase “you must be born again”?  Was that only for Nicodemus and the first century?
Ø  According to John 3:16, for whom did Jesus come to die?  Application?

John 3:22-36:  John the Baptizers Testimony
Ø   Where was John at this time in our text?
Ø  Did John understand the limits of his ministry?  Application?
Ø  Did John understand who Jesus really was?

John 4:1-26:  The Samaritan Woman
Ø  What is the significance of Jesus speaking with the Samaritan woman?
Ø  How did Jesus apply the well water to the true “water”?  Significance?
Ø  Did Jesus reject the woman because of her “colored” past?  Application for us?

John 4:27-54:  Many Respond to Jesus
Ø  Why did the disciples respond negatively to Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman?
Ø  What was His response to the disciples?  Application for us?
Ø  Why did the Samaritan people believe in Jesus at this point?
Ø  How did Jesus first respond to the request for another miracle?  Application?

John 5:1-15:  Healing at the Pool
Ø  How many people did Jesus heal at the Pool of Bethesda?  Significance?
Ø  On what day of the week did Jesus heal the paralytic?  Significance?
Ø  How did the healed man respond to Jesus?  Application for us?

John 5:16-47:  Life Through the Son
Ø  What was Jesus persecuted by the Jews?  Application for us?
Ø  How did Jesus describe His relationship with the Father?  What can we learn from this about our ministries?
Ø  What did Jesus say about the religious leaders understanding of the Scriptures?  What can we learn from this?

John 6:1-15:  Feeding the Five Thousand
Ø  Why were the people following Jesus?  Is there any application for today?
Ø  What did the multiplying of the food indicate about Jesus?
Ø  After seeing the miracle did the people believe in Jesus or simply want a “free lunch”?  Application?

John 6:16-59:  Jesus Walks on the Water
Ø  What happened to the storm when Jesus entered the boat?  Significance?
Ø  What was the response of the disciples at this miracle?
Ø  What, according to Jesus, is the “work of God”?  Application for us?
Ø  How does Jesus describe Himself?  Do you believe that?
Ø  Was Jesus speaking of cannibalism when He described “eating His flesh and drinking His blood”?  To what was he referring?

John 6:60-71:  A Falling Away
Ø  Why did some of the disciples leave Jesus?  What does this teach us about “Christianity” today?
Ø  Does everyone who claims to be a “disciple” fit the description that Jesus gave?  Application?
Ø  Why did Jesus choose Judas Iscariot if He knew that Judas was the one who would betray Him?

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