LESSON # 80 (Week ending 11/20/11)

1 Kings 12 - 22

1 Kings 12: Israel Rebels
Ø  Why did Rehoboam reject the advice of his father’s advisors?  Application for us when seeking advice.
Ø  What was the end result of Rehoboam’s decision?
Ø  Why did Jeroboam make false idols for the people of Israel to worship?  Is there any application for us today?

1 Kings 13: The Man of God From Judah
Ø  How did God respond to Jeroboam’s false gods and false alters?  What does He think about false gods today?
Ø  What does the account of the prophet and the false prophet teach about obedience? 
Ø  Are all who claim to be prophets of God true prophets?

1 Kings 14:1-20: Prophesy Against Jeroboam
Ø  Why was the Lord’s judgment so harsh on Jeroboam?
Ø  Which party of the covenant between God and David broke that covenant?  Application?

1 Kings 14:21-15:24: Kings of Judah
Ø  When Rehoboam was king of Judah (at the same time Jeroboam was king of Israel) was he any more obedient and righteous than Jeroboam?
Ø  What were the sins of Rehoboam?
Ø  What are the “gods” we set up today in place of the true God?

1 Kings 15:25-16:34: Kings of Israel
Ø  The Kingdom is now divided and we see in these verses a list of kings that served in Israel (Northern Kingdom). 
Ø  What was the terse description of each of the kings of Israel?
Ø  Whenever a nation turns its back of God what is the trend from that point; upward or downward?  Application?

1 Kings 17:1-19:21: Elijah
Ø   Does God ever leave His people without a voice to direct them?
Ø  Notice how God protects His faithful servant Elijah.  What is the application for us?
Ø  What does the Lord’s servant Obadiah represent as a type?
Ø  What is the significance of the events that occurred on Mount Carmel?
Ø  What does Elijah’s fleeing from Jezebel tell us about Elijah?  Application?

1 Kings 20: Ben-Hadad and Ahab
Ø  King Ahab was disobedience to the Lord yet God gave him victory over Ben-Hadad.  Why?
Ø  How did Ahab handle the victory that God gave him?  Application?

1 Kings 21:  Naboth’s Vineyard
Ø  What was the significance of Naboth refusing the king’s request for his land?
Ø  David took Uriah’s wife by murder and deceit. Ahab took Naboth’s field by murder and deceit.  God responded differently with each of them.  Why?  Application?
Ø  Notice the comparison between David and Ahab.  Thoughts?

1 Kings 22:  More Turmoil and More Evil Kings
Ø  Ahab tried to disguise his identity while going to war against God’s will.  Do you ever try to “disguise” your identity from God and others when you are doing something God has told you not to do?
Ø  What description was given Jehoshaphat?  Did he do everything that God commanded?  Application?
Ø  How did the writer describe Ahaziah, King of Israel? 
Ø  Generally speaking, the kings of Judah were considered “good” kings and the kings of Israel were considered “evil” kings.  Why?

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