LESSON # 23 (Week ending 05/30/10)

ACTS 13:1-15:35

13:1-12: The Church Grows

Ø How did the believers at Antioch know to send Paul and Barabas on a missions trip?

Ø Does the praying and laying on of hands indicate a commitment on the part of those doing the sending?

Ø How did Paul deal with the false prophet who was trying to hinder their ministry?

Ø What can we learn from Paul's handling of that situation?

13:13-52: Paul's First Missionary Journey

Ø As Paul and Barabas traveled to new cities, where in the city did they go to share the Good News?

Ø Why did Paul recount Israel's history and what did the hearers learn about Paul form this?

Ø Did Paul modify the Gospel so as not to offend his hearers? Why? Why not?

Ø Application for us?

14:1-28: The Journey Continues

Ø Did Paul and Barabas experience any opposition when sharing the Gospel? Should we expect any less?

Ø What happened when God used sign miracles to authenticate Paul and Barabas?

Ø Did Paul or Barnabas revel in the accolades of man?

Ø How serious did the persecution of these Apostles become?

15:1-35: The Jerusalem Council

Ø Over what was the division that created the need for the Jerusalem Council?

Ø Do believers today put stipulations on new converts? If so, give examples.

Ø The Jerusalem Council asked the new believers to "abstain for food sacrificed to idols, from blood, and from sexual immorality." Are there any things today from which new believers are required to restrain themselves?

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