LESSON #22 (Week ending 05/23/10)

Exodus 10:1 - 20:26

10:1-12:30: The Contest Continues

Ø Plague #8 – With the plague of the locusts, God indicated to Moses another reason for the plagues. What was it?

Ø Plague #9 – Darkness fell over all the land. This plague came without warning and demonstrated God's power over Re, the sun god.

Ø Plague #10 – This final plague was catastrophic for Egypt and redemptive for Israel. How did God protect the first born of Israel from the Death Angel?

Ø The Passover of the Death Angel began a new chapter in the history of Israel, freedom from the bondage of the world. Did Israel do anything to make this deliverance happen?

Ø From that time forward Israel celebrated Passover by sacrificing a lamb as a remembrance of God's deliverance. Who is the ultimate Passover lamp?

12:31-13:16: God Wins

Ø Why were the Israelites able to plunder the Egyptians?

Ø The Egyptians lost all their first born sons. What did God require the Israelites to do with their first born son?

Ø What is the significance of this and is there application for us today?

13:17-14:31: Victory at Sea

Ø Why did God lead the people through the desert?

Ø What was God's purpose in the events surrounding the Red Sea encounter?

Ø Do we believe that God can protect/sustain us in the face of satanic and worldly assault?

Ø Do we live our lives as though we belief He is our protector?

15:1-21: Song of Praise

Ø As the reality of what had transpired registered with Moses and the Israelites, does their praise indicate that they understood who their Deliverer really was?

Ø Re-read Moses' song of praise. Do you see any application to your life and how God has delivered you? Is praise part of your daily conversation with the Lord?

Ø Israel soon returns to grumbling and complaining because of where the Lord has taken them. Do we? Or are we able to continue in our praise of the Lord even long after He does something special in our lives?

15:22-27: Bitter Water

Ø After God's miraculous deliverance from Egypt, where did God lead the Egyptians, again?

Ø How long did it take the Israelites to go from being on "the mountain top" to complaining and grumbling?

Ø Why are the "desert" experiences so important in our growth as followers of God?

Ø Did God abandon them when they hurled insults at Him? Isn't the love and grace of God amazing!

16:1-17:8: Food from Heaven

Ø Notice how quickly the people wanted to return to Egypt when things got a little difficult. The world always has a façade that looks good and so easily entices. Does what the world offers ever measure up to that God offers?

Ø Did God provide exactly what the people needed for food? Did they appreciate it? Has anything changed in human nature over these past 2500 years? What is our manna?

Ø Did God bless the efforts to horde food? Why not?

Ø Does He promise us more than we can use? See Phil. 4:19.

17:9-16: Uplifted Hands

Ø This is the first encounter the Israelites faced with the inhabitants of the land.

Ø What is the significance of Moses' uplifted hands during the skirmish?

Ø Is there any application for us as we fight the "Amalekites" in our lives?

18:1-27: Advice for Moses

Ø Was the advice Moses received from his father-in-law from God? Why or why not?

Ø Up to this point, other than Aaron who God used as Moses' mouth-piece, had God ordained anyone else to serve in a role of leadership?

Ø Had God been able to lead His people without a hierarchy under Moses?

Ø Is the world's system of doing things – programs, methods, advice – beneficial to God and His program?

Ø Does this apply to us? See 1 Cor. 3:18-19.

Ø An interesting footnote to the establishment of these elder/leaders is that it leads to what was later called the Sanhedrin, the religious group who plotted the death of Jesus.

19:1-25: God Meets Moses on Mount Sinai

Ø Three months after God led Israel out of Egypt He made a covenant with them. The basis of that covenant is the Ten Commandments.

Ø Why was it necessary of Moses to consecrate the people before God entered their presence?

Ø How was the "fear" of the Lord seen in the people's response to God?

Ø When we saw that we "fear" the Lord what are we saying? Do we really fear Him?

20:1-26: The Ten Commandments

Ø What is a commandment? Is it a suggestion?

Ø To whom were these Ten Commandments given? Is there further application?

Ø The preamble (vs. 2) tells why God is able to make these commands of His people.

Ø The Ten Commandments divide into two groups: The first four are directed toward Israel's relationship with God:

ü Have no other God before you

ü Do not make any idols

ü Do not misuse the name of God

ü Remember the Sabbath

Ø The other six are directed toward Israel's relationship to one another:

ü Honor you parents

ü Do not murder

ü Do not commit adultery

ü Do not steal

ü Do not lie

ü Do not covet

Ø How has the impact of these Ten Commandments reached beyond the people to whom they were given?

Ø What do these commandments tell you about the nature of God?

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