LESSON #5 (Week ending 01/17/10)

In this lesson our readings take us to the Old Testament (we will return to Luke later). The next three lessons will be readings from Genesis.

Gen. 1:1 – 11:9

1:1-2:2: In the beginning

Ø What method did God use to create everything that was created?

Ø How did God describe each day of creation?

Ø How did the creation of man differ from the creation of everything else?

Ø Examine and think about these other passages about creation. Psalm 33:6-11; Job 38-41; Colossians 1:15-20.

Ø What does it mean that God made man “in our image”?

2:3-25: A suitable helper

Ø Why did God create Eve?

Ø Adam had named all of the creatures that God had created yet when he saw Eve his response was different. What was it and why was it different?

Ø What is God’s perfect plan for man and woman?

Ø At this point in time, how come there was no shame in their nakedness?

3:1-24: The Fall of man

Ø Did the serpent correctly quote God in his discussion with Eve?

Ø Whenever we are tempted Satan still uses that same tactic: “Did God really say?”

Ø What happened when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

Ø What were the ramifications of that original sin?

Ø Did Adam and Eve die?

4:1-26: Sibling rivalry

Ø Why did the Lord prefer Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s sacrifice?

Ø Notice what God said to Cain after rejecting his sacrifice. Whose responsibility is it to choose against sin?

Ø What was the basis for Cain’s sin against Abel? Has anything changed over the years?

5:1-32: A short history from Adam to Noah

Ø Why were people so long lived during this period?

Ø Notice that with everyone except Enoch it is said that they died. What happened to Enoch?

Ø Why did Lamech name his son Noah?

6:1-8:22: The Great Flood

Ø Who were the “sons of God” who married the “daughter of men”?

Ø Why did God bring the flood on the earth and was it a literal flood over all the earth?

Ø In spite of man’s sinfulness and wickedness, God has always had a remnant of those who believe and follow Him. Noah and his family are the first remnant of God who would re-populate the world.

Ø What was the first thing Noah did after leaving the Ark? How did God respond to that?

9:1-17: God’s Covenant with Noah

Ø What did God command Noah to do?

Ø What did He command Noah not to do?

Ø What did God say He would never do again? Did He give a sign to confirm His covenant?

9:18-29: The sinfulness of sin

Ø God gave Noah a new start yet he brought the sinfulness of the past with him including drunkenness and lewdness. Fathers have a great responsibility to set the example; Noah did not do a very good job of it and his son’s descendents paid the price!

Ø Ham’s sin was two fold, what were those sins?

Ø Notice, that Ham was not cursed but his son Canaan. Significance?

10:1-32: The repopulation of the earth

Ø It is generally accepted that Japheth originated the Gentile nations in northern Asia. Ham became the land of Canaan (those God told Moses to destroy). Shem became the father of the Hebrews.

11:1-9: A common language

Ø As the population grew and prospered, man began to think more highly of himself than he ought to think – AGAIN!

Ø What was the underlying sin that caused God to confuse the language and thus thwart man’s attempts at the tower?

Ø Do men today still want to place themselves “in the place of God”?

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