LESSON #2 (Week ending 12/27/09)

LUKE 3:1 – 6:11

3:1-20: The Ministry of John the Baptizer

Ø Was the baptism that John preached the same baptism we practice in the Church today?

Ø To whom was John’s primary ministry and what was he trying to tell them?

Ø Was there ever any question in John’s mind who he was and what his ministry was?

3:21-37: Jesus begins His earthly ministry

Ø Why did Jesus need to be baptized by John?

Ø What was the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father?

Ø Why is the earthly genealogy of Jesus given and what is its importance?

4:1-13: The Tempter fails

Ø Who led Jesus into the desert where He was tempted? Are believers ever led by the Spirit into desert places? Why?

Ø How did Jesus respond to the temptations of Satan? How do you respond when Satan tempts you?

Ø What can we learn for our personal walk with the Lord from this passage?

4:14-30: Rejected at home

Ø Notice that the first few days of Jesus’ earthly ministry were received positively.

Ø When He proclaimed the Word of God, however, people turned against Him. How does that apply to us?

Ø Why were the people unable to kill Him at this time?

4:31-37: Authority over Evil

Ø Jesus’ messages had “authority”. Have you ever experienced messages given with authority? On what were those messages based?

Ø Did the demons know who Jesus was?

Ø Why did Jesus refuse the accolades of the demons?

4:38-44: Authority over all disease

Ø What were some of the reasons that Jesus healed people?

Ø After lengthy ministry Jesus sought to get alone in prayer with His Father. How often do we seek the solitude of prayer? If Jesus needed it, how much more we!

Ø When the people tried to keep Jesus with them so He could perform more miracles, what was His response? What continues to be His primary ministry today?

5:1-11: Authority over nature

Ø Why did Jesus instruct professional fisherman on where to fish?

Ø Why did the large catch of fish cause such an amazing testimony from Peter?

Ø These men left everything and followed Him! How about you?

5:12-16: Authority over leprosy

Ø Did Jesus shy away from someone with a despicable (and very contagious) disease? As His ambassadors neither should we!

Ø This man demonstrated tremendous faith in Jesus. Do we believe He can remove the leprosy of sin in our lives?

Ø Why did Jesus tell him to go to the priests and offer a sacrifice?

5:17-28: Authority over sin

Ø How did the paralytic get into the presence of Jesus? Are you willing to lead people into His presence?

Ø Whose faith did Jesus see, the paralytic’s or his friends’? Believers have tremendous power through the Holy Spirit and God wants to use believers in the lives of others. See James 5:13-16.

Ø Why did Jesus demonstrate His authority over sin?

5:27-32: Loving the unlovely

Ø Did Jesus surround Himself with pious, church going people who all believed the same way He did? Then why do we?

Ø Was Jesus’ act of seeking out the outcasts of His society an example to us? How we doing?

Ø If Jesus visited your church today would it remind Him of the Pharisees of His day or would He see His body at work?

5:33-38: The Bridegroom is here

Ø Jesus addressed the “we have never done it that way before” mentality declaring that something new is in the wind. Change is not bad if it is God ordained. Are you open to His change?

Ø If we are unwilling to allow God to change us, we become a patchwork of failed ideas. Think about that, are you fighting God’s change in your life?

6:1-11: Authority over the Sabbath

Ø Religious rituals often are established with pure motives but readily become legalistic in nature.

Ø Have we become like the Pharisees, so entrenched in our rituals and dogma that we have forgotten the One we are supposed to worship?

Ø When liturgy and ritual become controlling works in our lives or the life of our church we are no longer walking by faith but on our own merit. See Ephesians 2:8-9.

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