LESSON #1 (Week ending 12/20/09)

LUKE 1:1 – 2:52

1:1-4: Why the Gospel of Luke?

Ø How did Luke come to his accounts that he recorded in this book? What can we learn from his method?

Ø Why, if there were other accounts, did he write this?

Ø Who was Theophilus?

1:5-25: John the Baptizer

Ø From what Old Testament passage did the angel quote while talking with Zechariah?

Ø What was Zechariah’s response to the angel of the Lord?

Ø How often do we question the Word of God when He uses it to challenges us to move out of our comfort zone?

1:26-38: Gabriel’s Second Visit

Ø Compare the reactions of Zechariah with Mary when she encountered Gabriel.

Ø Was Mary troubled because of lack of faith or for another reason?

Ø What an amazing testimony Mary gave after Gabriel’s visit. May our response to God’s leading be as Mary’s was!

1:39-45: Conformation

Ø God confirmed Gabriel’s visit with Mary by two witnesses. Who were they?

Ø How did Elizabeth know that Mary’s baby was the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah?

Ø What “advantage” do believers today have over these Old Testament saints?

1:46-56: Mary’s Song

Ø Mary was chosen by God to carry and deliver His Son into the world. Was Mary’s song at all about how wonderful she must be to have been given this privilege?

Ø What can we learn about worship from Mary’s song?

Ø What can we learn about God from Mary’s song?

1:57-80: One comes to prepare the way

Ø Try to put yourself in Elizabeth’s position after being barren for so many years. What an amazing gift to have God shine on you in this way.

Ø Try to imagine how the High Priest, Zechariah felt to be also highly honored by God and to be a part of this event.

Ø Each one of us as believers have been gifted and prepared by God to do something special for Him. What does He want you to do?

2:1-20: And the Word became flesh

Ø This passage is probably the most widely read Christmas passage. Read it slowly and carefully thinking about all of the people involved in this incredible event.

Ø We tend to romanticize the birth of Christ rather then think about its ramifications. Why did God break into human history this way?

Ø Have you ever considered what Jesus left behind to come to earth as a helpless baby?

2:21-52: And He grew

Ø This passage gives us (along with the other Gospel accounts) all that God the Father wanted us to know about the early years of Jesus.

Ø As intriguing as it may be, we need to be very careful about imagining Jesus’ early years or being caught up into the Apocryphal writings that fanaticize about those years.

Ø Notice Jesus’ response to his parents when they found Him in the Temple. Why do you think He responded that way?

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