LESSON #4 (Week ending 01/10/10)

LUKE 8:40 – 9:50

Did you notice the "twelves" in this week's readings? Do you think there is any significance to that?

ü A twelve year old daughter (8:41)

ü A disease lasting twelve years (8:43)

ü Jesus sends out the twelve (9:1)

ü Twelve baskets of food left (9:17)

8:40-56: Dominion over death and sickness (physical and spiritual)

Ø Notice the differences between Jarius and the centurion?

Ø Did the woman who was ill ask Jesus for healing? Why not? Why was she healed?

Ø When she was healed physically what else happened to her?

Ø Why did Jesus tell the parents of the girl raised for the dead not to tell anyone what had happened? Wouldn't it have been obvious?

9:1-9: Authority given

Ø With what did Jesus empower the Twelve? Why?

Ø What is the difference between "preaching the kingdom" and "preaching the gospel"?

"The grand truth is, the kingdom of God is the reign of God, the sovereignty of God. The apostles were to preach the kingdom of God and its nearness to all. They were to tell men and women that they were under it and could come into it. They were to tell them that its benefits were available if they turned to God. They preached that God reigns.

Notice in verse 6 that it is called "preaching the gospel"—"So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel [i.e., the good news of the kingdom of God] and healing people everywhere." Though their preaching surely had a prophetic edge and called for repentance, as Mark's account emphasizes (6:12), it was largely positive preaching—good news.  And for any Jew, the arrival of the kingdom was surely good news. "Good news! The kingdom has come. Good news! It is yours if you accept it." (Marshall, The Gospel of Luke)

Ø Did Herod ever see Jesus? Luke 23:8

9:10-17: Twelve baskets full

Ø Notice that the feeding of the 5000 took place when the Twelve had returned from their mission trip and were excited and exhausted.

Ø How often do we "send people away" because we are tired or the timing is bad for us?

Ø Is ministry about us or about Jesus using our meager offerings (5 loaves and 2 fish) to accomplish His will, in His power, through us?

9:18-27: THE most important question in the Bible

Ø Who do you say that I am?

Ø Why did Jesus tell the Twelve not to tell anyone His true identity?

Ø What is the cost of true discipleship?

Ø Did any of the Twelve "see the Kingdom of God" before they died?

9:28-36: The transfiguration (metamorphis)

Ø Did Peter, John, and James understand what they were witnessing?

Ø Read 2 Peter 1:16-18 for Peter's later account of the Transfiguration.

Ø What does it mean that Jesus' "appearance" changed?

Ø What is the significance of Moses and Elijah being with Jesus?

Ø How did Peter know that it was Elijah and Moses? Nametags?

9:37-45: Slow learners

Ø Why couldn't the disciples exorcize the demon possessed child?

Ø Why did Jesus' rebuke seem so harsh?

Ø Did spiritual warfare disappear when Christ was resurrected?

9:46-50: I am the greatest!

Ø At this point in time did the disciples understand Jesus' teaching on servanthood?

Ø Before we get too judgmental, how are we doing with servanthood?

Ø What application can we get from Jesus saying: "whoever is not against you is for you"?

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