LUKE 8:40 – 9:50
Did you notice the "twelves" in this week's readings? Do you think there is any significance to that?
ü A twelve year old daughter (8:41)
ü A disease lasting twelve years (8:43)
ü Jesus sends out the twelve (9:1)
ü Twelve baskets of food left (9:17)
8:40-56: Dominion over death and sickness (physical and spiritual)
Ø Notice the differences between Jarius and the centurion?
Ø Did the woman who was ill ask Jesus for healing? Why not? Why was she healed?
Ø When she was healed physically what else happened to her?
Ø Why did Jesus tell the parents of the girl raised for the dead not to tell anyone what had happened? Wouldn't it have been obvious?
9:1-9: Authority given
Ø With what did Jesus empower the Twelve? Why?
Ø What is the difference between "preaching the kingdom" and "preaching the gospel"?
"The grand truth is, the
Notice in verse 6 that it is called "preaching the gospel"—"So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel [i.e., the good news of the
Ø Did Herod ever see Jesus? Luke 23:8
9:10-17: Twelve baskets full
Ø Notice that the feeding of the 5000 took place when the Twelve had returned from their mission trip and were excited and exhausted.
Ø How often do we "send people away" because we are tired or the timing is bad for us?
Ø Is ministry about us or about Jesus using our meager offerings (5 loaves and 2 fish) to accomplish His will, in His power, through us?
9:18-27: THE most important question in the Bible
Ø Who do you say that I am?
Ø Why did Jesus tell the Twelve not to tell anyone His true identity?
Ø What is the cost of true discipleship?
Ø Did any of the Twelve "see the
9:28-36: The transfiguration (metamorphis)
Ø Did Peter, John, and James understand what they were witnessing?
Ø Read 2 Peter 1:16-18 for Peter's later account of the Transfiguration.
Ø What does it mean that Jesus' "appearance" changed?
Ø What is the significance of Moses and Elijah being with Jesus?
Ø How did Peter know that it was Elijah and Moses? Nametags?
9:37-45: Slow learners
Ø Why couldn't the disciples exorcize the demon possessed child?
Ø Why did Jesus' rebuke seem so harsh?
Ø Did spiritual warfare disappear when Christ was resurrected?
9:46-50: I am the greatest!
Ø At this point in time did the disciples understand Jesus' teaching on servanthood?
Ø Before we get too judgmental, how are we doing with servanthood?
Ø What application can we get from Jesus saying: "whoever is not against you is for you"?
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