LESSON #7 (Week ending 01/31/10)

Gen. 20:1 – 26:35

Week ending 01/31/10

Chap. 20: Yet Another Detour

Ø Why did Abraham again “sacrifice” his wife?

Ø As before, God came to Sarah’s rescue. Isn’t God’s grace wonderful even when we do dumb things?

Ø Did God answer Abraham’s prayer because of Abraham’s righteousness?

Ø How does this apply to us?

21:1-7: Prayer Request Answered

Ø God answered Abraham’s prayer probably 14-17 years after He had promised him a son. What can we learn from that?

Ø Notice that God was gracious toward barren Sarah, is there anything too difficult for God?

21:8-34: Two Great Nations Go Their Separate Ways

Ø What two nations do Isaac and Ishmael represent?

Ø God chose to bless both nations with multitudes of people but He chose only one of them to be His people. Why?

Ø Are there any ramifications today resulting from these two sons of Abraham?

Chap. 22: Abraham, do You Love Me?

Ø Why did God test Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son?

Ø Where is the “region of Moriah”?

Ø In light of Abraham’s earlier lapses of faith, isn’t it amazing that he believed God enough to do as He requested? God has also asked us to forsake all for Him, how are we doing?

Ø This passage gives us examples (types) of future events. To whom could you compare Abraham and Isaac? To whom could you compare the ram caught in the fence?

Chap. 23: The Death of Sarah

Ø What is significant about how the pagan Hittites treated Abraham at Sarah’s death?

Ø If Jesus is living in us, can the lost world see that?

Ø Our “walking” testimony speaks louder than our “talking” testimony!

Chap. 24: Finding a Daughter-In-Law

Ø After offering his wife twice to heathen kings, Abraham had learned that God did not want His people to inter marry or have sexual relations with the heathen peoples around them.

Ø Thus the search for a wife for Isaac from among Abraham’s relatives 450 miles away.

Ø Notice Abraham’s adamant stand that Isaac should not return to the old country. Why?

Ø How did the servant prepare himself to find the right woman for Isaac?

Ø Why did Laban allow this stranger to take his daughter to be the wife of a man he had never met?

Ø Do you think Isaac’s responded to seeing Rebekah the same way Adam responded when seeing Eve?

25:1-18: The Death of Abraham

Ø Even though Abraham had many more sons, to whom did he leave his inheritance?

Ø Did that inheritance include more than physical possessions? If so, what?

Ø What happened to Isaac after his father’s death?

25:19-34: Sibling Rivalry

Ø As his father had done before him, Isaac prayed for his barren wife. Did God answer Isaac’s prayer the same way He answered Abraham’s prayer? What does this tell us?

Ø What was unusual about God choosing the older brother to serve the younger brother?

Ø Did Esau selling his birthright to Jacob influence God’s setting the younger over the older?

Ø What two nations came from Jacob and Esau?

Chap. 26: The Sins of the Father

Ø History repeats itself – a famine, seeking help from pagans, lying about his wife! The ramifications of sin can cause problems for generations!

Ø For what purpose did God appear to Isaac in Beersheba?

Ø What did the treaty demonstrate?

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