LESSON #71 (Week ending 09/18/11)

1 Samuel 13-31
Chapt. 13:  Samuel Rebukes Saul
Ø  What caused Samuel to rebuke Saul?
Ø  When Saul became impatient with Samuel against whom was he really rebelling?  Application for us?
Ø  Does man’s wisdom ever supersede God’s wisdom?
Ø  Are there consequences to being disobedient to God?

Chapt. 14:  Jonathan Attacks the Philistines
Ø  How did Jonathan’s attitude differ from Saul’s?
Ø  Does God need armies to accomplish His purposes?  Application for us?
Ø  How did the ill-advised oath of Saul cause problems for the Hebrew army?
Ø  What can we learn from Saul’s disobedience toward God?

Chapt. 15:  Saul Rejected
Ø  Why was Saul unable to carry out the commands of the Lord?
Ø  What does it mean when the Lord says that He was “grieved” for making Saul king?
Ø  Was Saul lying to Samuel when he said he had carried out God’s orders or was he deluded?
Ø  Instead of taking full responsibility for his actions what did Saul do?  Application?
Ø  What does God want from His people, obedience or sacrifice?  Application?

Chapt. 16:  David Anointed
Ø  How did Samuel try to determine God’s anointed among Jess’s sons?  Application?
Ø  How does God choose those He wants to serve Him?
Ø  What does it mean that “an evil spirit from the Lord” tormented Saul?

Chapt. 17:  David and Goliath
Ø  Why did the Israelites fear Goliath?  Who or what are the “giants” in your life?
Ø  How was David able to defeat Goliath?  Application?
Ø  When circumstances cause us to be fearful, what does that indicate about our faith?

Chapt. 18 & 19:  Saul’s Jealousy of David
Ø  Why was Saul jealous of David?
Ø  Notice the progression of Saul’s sin:  jealousy, anger, murder, fear.  Is there ever a time when jealousy does not take this downward spiral?  If so, when?

Chapt. 20:  David and Jonathan
Ø  Describe the relationship between Jonathan and David.
Ø  If Jonathan was the logical successor to his father’s throne, why did he befriend and assist David?  Application?
Ø  How would you describe Jonathan’s character?

Chapt. 21- Chapt. 24
Ø  David deceived the priest Ahimelech in order to get food.  What were the consequences of this?  Application?
Ø  Why did David flee into the enemy camp?  How did God protect him?
Ø  What was the significance of David sparing Saul’s life?  Application?

Chapt. 25:  David, Nabal, and Abigail
Ø  What type of person does Nabal represent? 
Ø  What type of person does Abigail represent?
Ø  Some commentators note a similarity between Nabal and Saul. Each is hostile to a loyal and honest David. Each goes against the advice of family and retainers. Each ultimately is struck down by God, not by David. Samuel even told Saul he acted foolishly, using the same Hebrew letters that make up Nabal’s name (13:13). The evil each did David returned to condemn him. What a lesson for us. Let’s let our enemies’ own acts condemn them, rather than take revenge.[1]

Chapt. 26-31:  Continued Conflict
Ø  David refused to kill Saul a second time.  Did this act of kindness cause Saul to repent?
Ø  Why did David go to the Philistines?  How did God use this “detour” in David’s life?  Application?
Ø  What is the significance of Saul seeking wisdom from the Witch of Endor?  Application?
Ø  In the end Saul’s rebellion ended in defeat for Israel and in Saul taking his own life.  The progression of sin and rebellion always lead to death.  What is the remedy?

[1] Richards, L. O. (1991). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (196). Wheaton: Victor Books.

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