LESSON # 63 (Week ending 04/03/11)

MARK 6:6-9

6:7-13: Jesus Sends Out The Twelve

Ø Why did Jesus send out the twelve two-by-two?

Ø How did He empower them?

Ø Why did He instruct them to take no provisions?

Ø What did the “shaking the dust off their feet” symbolize?

Ø What can we learn from this passage?

6:14-29: John the Baptizer Beheaded

Ø Why did Herod have John beheaded?

Ø Why did Herod fear john? Is there any application for today?

Ø Why would the dancing of Herod’s step-daughter cause Herod to commit such a heinous crime?

Ø Can we expect people who do not accept the Bible to live by the morals of the Bible?

6:30-6:44: Feeding the 5000

Ø Why were the crowds following Jesus and His disciples?

Ø Despite hunger and need of rest, how did Jesus respond to the crowds? Any application for us?

Ø Was the feeding of all these people primarily to satisfy their hunger or to teach and increase the faith of His disciples?

6:45-6:56: Jesus Walks on the Water

Ø Why do you think Jesus sent His disciples off by boat while he stayed and dismissed the crowd?

Ø For whose benefit was the walking on the water?

Ø What happened as soon as he climbed into the boat?

Ø What prevented the disciples from totally understanding the miracles of Jesus? What prevents people today from seeing the acts of God all around us?

7:1-23: What’s Clean and What’s Unclean

Ø On what basis did the Pharisees claim the disciples were unclean, the laws of god or the traditions of man?

Ø De we ever require people to keep traditions of man?

Ø Was Jesus harsh with the Pharisees? Any application for us?

Ø According to Jesus, what makes a man unclean?

Ø Mark states that by this saying Jesus declared all food clean. How would the religious leaders of His day have reacted to that statement?

Ø Rather than food, what was the uncleanness about which Jesus was concerned?

7:24-37: Healings

Ø What was Jesus’ response to the Greek woman?

Ø By freeing the Gentile woman’s’ daughter from the demon, what was Jesus demonstrating?

Ø Why did Jesus respond to the woman the way He did?

Ø Did Jesus use the same method each time He healed or delivered? Why or why not?

Ø What was becoming the motivation for people coming to Jesus?

8:1-13: Feeding the 4000

Ø Had the faith of the disciples increased since the feeding of the 5000?

Ø While Jesus taught His disciples through the use of sign miracles, He understood that true faith cannot come by witnessing miracles.

Ø How did Jesus respond to the demand for more miracles from the Pharisees?

Ø Why does Paul instruct the Church to walk by faith and not by sight? Application?

8:14-21: Yeast of the Pharisees

Ø When Jesus speaks of the yeast of the Pharisees, to what is He referring?

Ø Did the disciples understand yeast?

Ø Do we sometimes miss what Jesus is saying to us today because we are not spiritually in tune?

8:22-30: Healing of the Blind Man

Ø What was different about this healing from the others Jesus did? Why?

Ø Did Jesus ever give us a “formula” so that we could heal as He did?

Ø Who is the Great Healer? Does He still heal? Does He need anyone to be the intermediary for that healing?

8:27-9:1: Peter’s Confession and Jesus’ Prediction

Ø What was unique about the area around Caesarea Philippi?

Ø What is so important about the question Jesus asked of His disciples?

Ø Is He still asking that question today? Has He asked you? How did you respond?

Ø Was Jesus clear in telling the disciples about His death? Did they understand Him?

Ø Who, according to Jesus, is His true disciple? Does that still apply to us?

9:2-13: The Transfiguration

Ø What did the transfiguration demonstrate about Jesus?

Ø Why were Elijah and Moses there? How did the disciples know who those two were?

Ø Did the three understand what had happened? When did they finally “get” it?

Ø To who was Jesus referring when He state: “Elijah has come”?

9:14-32: Healing, Deliverance, and More Teachings

Ø Why could the disciples not heal the little boy? Application for us?

Ø Notice the father’s reply to Jesus. Ever feel this way?

Ø What is Jesus’ formula for greatness? How are we doing?

Ø What can we learn from Jesus’ response to His disciples when they were concerned about the man, who was not one of them, casting out demons?

Ø What does Jesus say about causing someone else to fall into sin? Application for us?

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