LESSON # 51 (Week ending 01/02/11)

1 Timothy


Both of Paul's letters to Timothy are part of what is called "The Pastoral Epistles". This is a term used to designate Paul's two letters to Timothy and one letter to Titus. Two things distinguish these three epistles from Paul's other letters: (1) They are among the last things Paul wrote, reflecting the sort of concerns which burdened the apostle near the end of his ministry. (2) They are ostensibly addressed not to a congregation but to two young men who were functioning in pastoral roles.

The approximate dates for 1 Timothy and Titus are 63-66. After being recaptured and once again imprisoned in Rome, Paul wrote Timothy a second letter, 2 Timothy. Thus 2 Timothy, dated approximately a.d. 67, represents the last Pauline Epistle.

Timothy was the son of a Greek father and Jewish mother (Acts 16:1). No mention is made of his father being a Christian, but his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were both known for their sincere faith (2 Tim. 1:5). Timothy was no doubt living at Lystra when Paul visited that city on his first missionary journey (cf. Acts 14:6; 16:1). Whether or not Paul led Timothy to Christ cannot be known with certainty. At any rate Timothy already knew and believed the Old Testament Scriptures, thanks to his mother and grandmother (2 Tim. 3:15), and Paul took him on as a promising protégé. Paul thus became like a spiritual father to the young man, referring to him as "my true son in the faith" (1 Tim. 1:2) and "my dear son" (2 Tim. 1:2; cf. Phil. 2:22).

After being released from his first Roman imprisonment Paul, with Timothy by his side, evidently revisited some of the churches in Asia, including Ephesus. On his departure from Ephesus, Paul left Timothy behind to provide leadership to the congregation. Then after an interval Paul wrote Timothy a letter, 1 Timothy, urging him on in that ministry.[1]


1:1-11: Instructions Concerning False Teachers

Ø How did Paul instruct Timothy to respond to false teachers? Application for us?

Ø What was the goal in confronting false teachers?

Ø Why is it important to understand the purpose of the law?

1:12-20: Paul's Personal Testimony

Ø When Paul shares his testimony, does he draw attention to himself? To whom does he draw attention? Application for us.

Ø Why was Paul shown grace? Application for us?

Ø What is Paul's exhortation to Timothy? Application?

2:1-15: Instructions on Worship, Prayer, Holiness, Modesty

Ø For whom should we pray? Why should we pray this way? What is the desired end for praying this way?

Ø Who is the only mediator between God and man?

Ø Why was Paul concerned about women's dress? Application?

Ø Is Paul's admonition about women teaching or having authority in church a cultural thing or does it apply today?

3:1-16: Instructions Concerning Church Leaders

Ø What are the qualification for elders (overseers) and deacons?

Ø Do the wives of elders and deacons also have a responsibility?

Ø What does it mean "to be the husband of one wife"?

4:1 - 6:10: Godly Advice

Ø What constitutes being a "good minister of Christ Jesus" in this section?

Ø Is Christ the Savior of all men or only those who believe? What does this mean?

Ø Who qualifies as "a widow in need"?

Ø What does Paul thin of those professing believers who do not care for their own families?

Ø Why did Paul recommend "a little wine" for Timothy's illness rather than laying hands on him and healing him?

Ø Does financial prosperity lead to godliness? Application.

6:11-21: Paul's charge to Timothy

Ø List the instructions Paul gave to Timothy in these verses.

Ø Do these "charges" apply to us?

[1]Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1983-c1985). The Bible knowledge commentary : An exposition of the scriptures (2:730). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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