LESSON #48 (Week ending 12/12/10)

2 Corinthians 1-7

1:1-11: The God of all Comfort

Ø What does it mean that God comforts us?

- paracleto – to draw alongside/the H.S. is called our paraclete

- "The principle is important. Ministry requires vulnerability. Our human frailties, which make us susceptible to suffering, at the same time enable us to display God's comforting love. Only when we show our weaknesses can we also reveal the strength of our Lord."[1]

Ø What should we do with the comfort we have experienced from God?

Ø What does the comfort of God produce in believers?

1:12-2:4: Boasting About Christ

Ø On what did Paul base any boasting?

Ø What did Paul mean when he of God's "seal of ownership"?

Ø What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is a "deposit and a guarantee"?

2:5-11: Forgiveness

Ø To whom was Paul referring in these verses?

Ø What is the end hope of forgiveness?

Ø Application for us?

2:12-3:17: Ministers of the New Covenant

Ø According to Paul, how are Christians perceived by others?

Ø Why does Paul have confidence to share Christ? Apply that to yourself.

Ø To what event does Paul compare the ministry of the Holy Spirit?

Ø Why could Paul declare himself to be bold? Are you bold for Christ?

Ø Believers are supposed to reflect Christ's glory and be transformed into His likeness. Think about how that is working out in your life.

4:1-18: Jars of Clay

Ø Who is it that blinds people's eyes to the truth of the Gospel?

Ø What are the "earthen jams" to which Paul refers?

Ø Why does God use "earthen jars"?

Ø What is Paul's advice/remedy for our failing bodies and our limited time on earth?

Ø On whom should we fix our eyes every moment of every day?

5:1-10: Heaven

Ø How can we know for sure that we have "an eternal house in heaven"?

Ø Why do we groan here on earth?

Ø Who is our guarantee and deposit? Do believers have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ? Why or why not?

5:11-6:2: Ministry of Reconciliation

Ø Reconciliation = Katalasso which means to restore to harmony. God has done everything needed in Christ to bring us into harmony with Him (positionally). But individual believers must choose to bring daily life and attitude into harmony (experientially). Paul's mission is to persuade believers to make that choice for themselves."[2]

Ø What is it that compels Paul to share the Gospel? Application?

Ø What does Paul say about those who are in Christ?

Ø What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? Is Paul speaking only of himself or is there application for us?

6:3-7:1: Advice From Paul

Ø What does it mean to "put a stumbling block in anyone's path"?

Ø Was Paul self-centered in his ministry to others? Application for us?

Ø What does it mean to be yoked to an unbeliever?

Ø Why is this such an important teaching?

Ø To what relationship do you think this applies?

Ø What should understanding these teachings cause us to do?

7:2-16: Paul's Joy

Ø Paul's first letter to the Corinthians was disciplinary in nature and caused them some pain and sorrow.

Ø Why did Paul not regret bringing sorrow on the Corinthians?

Ø What does Godly sorrow accomplish in a believer?

[1]Richards, L. O. (1991; Published in electronic form by Logos Research Systems, 1996). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (775). Wheaton: Victor Books.

[2]Richards, L. O. (1991; Published in electronic form by Logos Research Systems, 1996). The Bible readers companion (electronic ed.) (778). Wheaton: Victor Books.

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