LESSON #41 (Week ending 10/17/10)

Romans 12-16

Romans 12:1-8: Living Sacrifices

Ø Why should we present our bodies to God as living sacrifices?

Ø What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?

Ø What does it mean to “not be conformed . . . but be transformed . . . ”?

Ø Why is it important to be a humble member of the body of Christ?

Romans 12:9-21: Sincere Love

Ø What is “sincere love”?

Ø Paul uses the word “hate” when he refers to evil. What does he mean by “hate”?

Ø What are the qualities Paul lists that relate to “clinging to what is good”?

Ø What is Paul’s bottom line in this passage? (vs. 21)

Romans 13:1-7: Submission to Authorities

Ø Why is submission to civil authority important?

Ø Who is the governing authority in the USA?

Ø Does Paul teach that everyone is authority is good?

Romans 13:8-14: The Day is Near

Ø What is the one debt that we should always seek to repay? How are you doing with that one?

Ø How does Paul sum up the Law? What does Jesus say in Matt. 22:37-40?

Ø Why are we to be “awake” and to “set aside the deeds of darkness”?

Ø To what “hour” is Paul referring?

Ø Are you ready?

Romans 14:1-15:13: The Weak and the Strong

Ø When Paul speaks of “disputable matters”, to what is he referring?

Ø During Paul’s day there was a great deal of “judging” of one another to see who was the most spiritual. Does that happen today? If so, examples.

Ø Is it ever our responsibility to judge another? If so, when?

Ø What is a “stumbling block”?

Ø Do you modify your actions so that you do not become a stumbling block for others?

Romans 15:14-33: Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Ø What was Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles?

Ø Was Paul ever satisfied that his ministry of proclaiming the gospel to the gentiles was completed?

Ø What did Paul desire most from the Roman believers on his behalf?

Romans 16:1-27: Final Greetings

Ø Paul recommended fellow believers to other believers. Do we encourage friendships between believers that we know?

Ø Paul warns his readers to be aware of people causing divisions among the believers. How can we know when there are problem makers in our midst?

Ø Prayerfully read verses 25-27. What a great God we serve!

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