LESSON # 10 (Week ending 02/21/10)

LUKE 14:1 – 16:31

Week ending 02/21/10

14:1-14: New Teachings

Ø Why do you think the Pharisee invited Jesus to his home?

Ø Was the ministry of Jesus influenced by the "political correctness" of His time?

Ø How does the teaching of Jesus about humbling yourself fit into the prevalent world view of today?

Ø Jesus taught by word and example the need to reach out to hurting people. How are you doing in that area?

14:15-24: The Great Banquet Feast

Ø To whom was Jesus referring as "invited guests" in verse 16?

Ø To whom was the banquet opened when the invited guests did not come?

Ø How can we apply these verses today?

14:25-35: Counting the Cost

Ø What does Jesus mean when He uses the word "hate" in this passage?

Ø What does it mean to "count the cost"?

Ø What does it mean "to give up everything"?

15:1-32: Parables of Lost Things

Ø Lost Sheep

ü What precipitated these parables?

ü What happens in heaven over the conversion of one sinner? Think about that!

ü How important to the Creator of the universe is one soul?

Ø Lost Coin

ü What does the coin, in this parable, do to help the woman locate it?

ü What happens in heaven in this case? Think about that!

ü How important to the Creator of the universe are you?

Ø Lost Son

ü Did the prodigal son find the happiness for which he was searching?

ü What was the attitude of the prodigal when he returned to his father?

ü Did the father harbor any resentment toward the prodigal?

ü Were there future consequences to the prodigal's actions?

ü What was the response of the other brother to the prodigal? Do we ever respond to new believers that way?

16:1-15: More Parables

Ø Why was the wasteful, shrewd manager commended by his master?

Ø How did Jesus apply this parable to His disciples?

Ø Is worldly wealth all its cracked up to be?

Ø How did this teaching fly-in-the-face of the contemporary teaching of Jesus' day?

Ø How does this teaching fly-in-the-face of teaching in our day?

16:16-18: More Teachings

Ø What is the difference between the teachings of the Law and the Prophets and the teaching of the Good News of the Kingdom?

Ø How were people trying to "force" their way into the Kingdom?

Ø Do people try to "force" their way into God's good graces today?

Ø Is their anyway the Law can be changed so that men can keep it?

Ø Why did Jesus use the example of divorce and remarriage here?

16:19-31: A Glimpse into Hades

Ø To what does "Abraham's side (bosom) refer?

Ø To what does Hades refer?

Ø What can we learn about these two places in reference to one another?

Ø When people reject God's teachings (His Word) can they be persuaded by miracles?

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