Gen. 11:10 – 19:38
11:10-32: Abram’s Genealogy
Ø Why is this genealogy important?
Ø From the last lesson, what “family group” did Shem father?
Ø What modern day country is
12:1-9: God called Abram
Ø What was Abram’s religious background?
Ø Do you see anything remarkable in Abram’s response to God telling him to leave his homeland and go to a place God would show him?
Ø Do you think the promise that God made Abram in verses 2 and 3 still applies today? If so, how?
12:10-20: A Detour into
Ø Did God instruct Abram to go to
Ø In the Bible,
Ø What emotion, demonstrated by Abram’s lie, indicated that he was not walking in the will of the Lord?
Ø By sacrificing Sarai, what else was Abram sacrificing that God had promised?
Ø What can we learn from this detour?
Chap. 13: Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
Ø How did
Ø Was
Ø In verses 14-17 God promised Abram a land and an offspring. Were those promises based on Abram’s righteousness? How does that apply to us today?
Chap. 14: Caught Up in the World
Ø How did
Ø Is it ever right to get involved with the skirmishes of the world? If so, when? See Gal. 6:1
Ø Who is Melchizedek?
Ø Think about the blessing Melchizedek gave to Abram. Is their any application for us today?
Ø What was Abram’s response to Melchizedek? Any application for us?
Ø What was Abram’s response to the king of
Chap. 15: Cutting a Covenant
Ø Notice in verse 6 Abram’s response to the answered prayer. Did God’s answer come immediately?
Ø How did God confirm the covenant He made with Abram?
Ø Define what a covenant is?
Ø When the Lord makes a covenant does He keep His side?
Ø Has this covenant been fulfilled?
Chap. 16: Another Detour
Ø If Abram believed that God had answered his prayer, why did he sleep with Hagar?
Ø What were the ramifications of this lack of faith?
Ø Does sin have a “ripple” effect? How does this apply to us?
Chap. 17: The Abrahamic Covenant Confirmed
Ø Why did God change Abram’s name?
Ø What did circumcision represent?
Ø What was the difference in Abraham’s response to the Lord in verses 17-18 as compared to verse 15:6? Why was there a difference?
18:1-15: Three Special Visitors
Ø Who were the three visitors?
Ø Notice the Lord’s response to Sarah in verse 14a. Do you believe that?
18:16-33: God’s Great Grace
Ø Who chose Abraham? Why?
Ø There is a word that describes the grace the Lord demonstrated in His discussion with Abraham. Think about how AMAZING His grace is!!!
Ø Does there ever come a time when God’s long suffering ceases? How does that apply to us today?
Chap. 19: God’s Judgment Demonstrated
Ø What was the prevailing sin in
Ø Notice Lot’s response to the men of
Ø Notice in verse 16 how attached to the world
Ø Why did Mrs. Lot perish?
Ø Did
Ø What does this tell us about flirting with the world and sin?
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