John 13-21
John 13:1-17: Washing the Disciples’ Feet
Ø Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples?
Ø Did they understand what He was doing? Do we always understand what He is doing? What should our response always be to Him?
Ø Do we follow the example of humility that Jesus set before us? Why not?
John 13:18-38: The Betrayals
Ø Why did Jesus pick Judas to be a disciple?
Ø Why didn’t the eleven figure out that Judas was the betrayer?
Ø What is the new commandment that Jesus gave to His disciples? Does that commandment apply to us as well?
Ø Was Peter earnest in his desire to follow Jesus wherever He went? Why did he fail? How does that apply to us?
John 14: Comforting Words From Jesus
Ø Jesus told us to trust and not fear, why? Do we live like we believe that?
Ø According to Jesus, from whom can we find all truth?
Ø When Jesus used the term “I am”, what did His hearing understand Him to be saying?
Ø How does Jesus explain His relationship with the Father?
Ø What does it mean “to ask for anything in His name”? Application?
Ø How does Jesus determine if someone loves Him?
Ø Who is the Comforter and what does the word “Comforter” mean?
John 15:1-17: The Vine and the Branches
Ø Who is the Vine? Who is the Gardener?
Ø Why does the Gardener cut off or prune branches? Is cutting or pruning painful?
Ø Is it possible to bear fruit apart from the vine? What about the good deeds of unbelievers?
Ø Is it possible to have joy in this world? Who?
Ø What is the greatest demonstration of love for another? Are we also called to that degree of love?
John 15:18-16:5: The World Hates
Ø Why does the world hate true believers? Examples of that today?
Ø What is the primary ministry of the Holy Spirit?
Ø Why did Jesus tell His disciples about the dangers that they faced? Does this still apply to us?
John 16:6-33: The Holy Spirit
Ø What does the Holy Spirit do for the believer?
Ø What does the Holy Spirit do for the world?
Ø According to Jesus, we will have trouble in this world. Is it possible to have peace while in that “Trouble”? If so, how?
John 17: The Lord’s Prayer
Ø This is the most complete prayer that we have from Jesus. List the items for which Jesus prays and note how He prays.
Ø What have you learned about prayer from this beautiful example of prayer?
Ø What comfort, if any, did you find in the Lord’s prayer?
Ø Has studying this prayer helped your personal prayer life? How?
John 18: 1-19:16: The Beginning of the End of Jesus’ Human, Earthly Ministry
Ø What happened immediately after Jesus finished praying? Application for us?
Ø What happened when Jesus answered the solders with the statement: “I am!”?
Ø Was the arrest of Jesus legal by the law at the time? Should we expect protection from our laws against persecution?
Ø How did you respond to the denials of Peter? Do you think you might have done better than he did?
Ø When Pilate questioned Jesus, did Jesus deny His identity? To what conclusion did Pilate come after questioning Jesus? Why did he not release Him? Application?
John 19:17-42: The End of Jesus’ Physical Earthly Ministry
Ø What is the significance of the sign the Romans put on the cross of Jesus?
Ø What is the importance of the fact that the soldiers did not tear Jesus’ robe?
Ø To whom did Jesus give the responsibility of caring for His mother?
Ø Did Jesus die or did He give up His life? Significance?
Ø Why did the soldiers break the legs of those who were crucified? Did they break Jesus’ legs? Why or why not? Significance?
Ø What is the significance of Jesus having His side pierced with the spear?
Ø Who buried the body of Jesus? Significance?
John 20: The Empty Tomb
Ø Why do we worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, rather than on the Sabbath?
Ø To whom did the risen Lord first appear? Why do you think He appeared to her first?
Ø Why did Jesus request that Mary not hold on to Him?
Ø What was the response of the disciples when Jesus appeared to them? Why do you think they were so amazed? How do you think you might have reacted in that situation?
Ø Why were the miracles of Jesus recorded in this book?
John 21: Jesus Continues to Amaze
Ø What does the account of Jesus on the beach tell us about His glorified body?
Ø Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved Him? Application?
Ø What can we learn about how Jesus responded to Peter when he questioned Jesus about what John’s future would be?
Ø Is it humanly possible to record everything that Jesus did while walking on the earth? Can this be said of anyone else?
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