LESSON #83 (Week ending 12/18/11)

2 Kings 1 – 12

First and 2 Kings provide a record of Israel’s history from the beginning of the movement to place Solomon on David’s throne through the end of the reign of Zedekiah, Judah’s last king. Zedekiah ruled until the surviving Southern Kingdom was taken captive and Babylonian governors were placed in charge of affairs in Palestine.
Three major periods of Israel’s history can be distinguished in Kings: (a) the united monarchy (during which time Israel and Judah remained united under Solomon as they had been under Saul and David); (b) the divided monarchy (from the rebellion of Israel against the ruler ship of Judean kings until Israel was carried off into captivity by the Assyrians); and (c) the surviving kingdom (the record of Judah’s affairs from the deportation of Israel to Judah’s own defeat and exile by the Babylonians).[1]


2 Kings 1:  The Lord’s Judgment
Ø  Why was God upset with Ahaziah?
Ø  Does God ever approve of His people worshipping other gods?  Application for us?
Ø  Why was God’s judgment so severe on the representatives of the king?  Application?

2 Kings 2:  Elijah Taken Up To Heaven
Ø  What is the significance of Elisha’s persistence in staying with Elijah?
Ø  What did the parting of the water signify about Elijah?  About Elisha?
Ø  Did Elijah face death or was he taken to glory in an unusual way?  Thoughts on this.
Ø  What is the significance of the she-bear mauling the youths who mocked Elisha?  Application for today?

2 Kings 3:  Moab Revolts
Ø  Why did the kings seek out Elisha?  Why do we seek out God’s leading when we get into difficult situations of our own making?
Ø  What does the intervention of God in this situation teach us about grace?
Ø  Why did the Israelite army withdraw after the king of Moab sacrificed his son to the Moabite gods?  Should believers today fear the wrath of God when surrounded by evil?

2 Kings 4:  The Widow’s Oil
Ø  What does the miraculous multiplying of the widow’s oil represent? 
Ø  When God ours out His blessings, what factors limit how much blessing is received?  Application for us?
Ø  What does the account of the well-to-do Shunammite woman tell us about how God views human position, wealth, etc.?
Ø  What does the account of Elisha feeding a hundred men foreshadow?  Application?

2 Kings 5:  Naaman
Ø  How does the account of Naanman illustrate that God’s grace extends to even the enemies of His chosen people?  Application for today?
Ø  Why was Naaman angry about how he was treated?  Application?
Ø  What can we learn from the actions of Gehazi?

2 Kings 6 -7:  Elisha’s Ministry
Ø  What does the floating axe head teach us about God’s grace?
Ø  Why was Elisha’s ability to know the enemies plans important to his ministry?
Ø  Why was Elisha not afraid of the troops sent to take him?  Application for us?
Ø  When the enemy was delivered into the hands of Elisha, how did he respond?  What can we learn for that?
Ø  What does the account of the famine in the besieged city teach us?  Who is intimately in control of every earthly situation?  Do you really believe that and live like it is true?

2 Kings 8 - 12:  More Kings
Ø  How are the kings of Judah described in these chapters?
Ø  How are the kings of Israel described in these chapters?
Ø  Why was God gracious to Jehu?
Ø  What was the controlling attitude during this time among the leaders – doing God’s will or elevating themselves?  What is the application for us today?

[1]Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1983-c1985). The Bible knowledge commentary : An exposition of the scriptures (1:483). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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