PSALMS 52-72
Psalm 52: David’s Response to Doeg the Edomite (1 Sam. 21:17)
Ø What is the boast of the “ungodly”?
Ø What is the boast of the “godly”?
Ø Who is the ultimate Judge? Application?
Psalms 53: “The Fool”
Ø What is the perspective of the fool?
Ø Is there anyone on earth who really understands and seeks after God?
Ø Who is the true Seeker?
Psalm 54-55: God Is My Help
Ø Who are the “strangers” that attack us today?
Ø How does David counter the attacks he feels? Application?
Ø How should we respond when we are fearful? From whom does fear come?
Ø To whom does David turn in times of fear? Application?
Psalm 56-57: God Deliver Me! Have Mercy!
Ø When David was pursued by evil men, what was his response? What can we learn from this?
Ø In whom does David place his trust; man or God? How about you?
Ø How does David describe God’s mercy? Have you ever sensed God’s presence that way?
Ø In his struggle, what does David end up doing? Do you praise God in your struggles?
Psalm 58: Wicked Rulers
Ø How do you respond to David’s description of evil rulers?
Ø How does this relate to Romans 13?
Ø Who is the ultimate ruler?
Psalm 59: God the Deliverer
Ø Does David rely on his own strength to fight his battles? How about you?
Ø What does it mean to allow God to fight your battles for you?
Ø Which is more effective in fighting our battles; fighting ourselves or praising God and allowing Him to fight for us?
Psalm 60 – 61: Where is God?
Ø When David feels estranged from God, what is his response? How about us, what is our response?
Ø Are there times when God allows bad things to happen to good people? Why or why not?
Ø Notice David’s prayer, what can we learn from it?
Psalm 62 - 64: Sweet Rest
Ø In what or in whom is ultimate rest found? Why do we seek it in other places?
Ø Psalm 63:1-5 describe David’s heart. Have you ever desired God in this way?
Ø When David is threatened to whom does he turn? Application?
Psalm 65 – 67: Praise God!
Ø List the things for which David praises the Lord in these Psalms.
Ø What is the response that David encourages in light of God’s blessings? Application?
Ø Notice David’s benediction in Psalm 67. When God’s people praise Him and thank Him how does He respond?
Psalm 68 – 69: Messianic Psalms
Ø List the Messianic references in these two Psalms.
Ø David was looking ahead to a Messiah/Savior. We have the advantage of hindsight and history. How accurate was David’s description?
Psalm 70 – 71: Deliverance
Ø Who is David’s help? Application?
Ø Who is David’s refuge? Application?
Ø Who is David’s hope? Application?
Ø Notice David’s prayer in 71:19-24. Is this also your prayer?
Psalm 72: Request for Blessing and Prosperity
Ø For whom is David pleading?
Ø Does David trust in his own judgment to accomplish the ministry which God has given him?
Ø According to David, who is ultimately in control even though he is Israel’s earthly king? Application?
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