2 Samuel 15 - 24
Chapt. 15:1-12 Absalom’s Conspiracy
Ø David’s family situation was a result of his sin. What can we learn about the consequences of our personal sins from David?
Ø Why did Joab conspire to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem?
Ø How would you rate David as a father?
Chapt. 15:13-17:29: David Flees
Ø How did Absalom turn the people’s heart away from his father? What was his motivation for doing so?
Ø What can we learn about ourselves from Absalom and from the people who followed him?
Ø In 2 Sam. 15:30 we read that David was weeping. How does this compare to the passage in Matthew 23:37-39?
Ø Why did Ahithophel advise Absalom to sleep with his father’s concubine? Does sin ever accomplish what it is promising to accomplish?
Chapt. 18: Absalom’s Death
Ø Why did Absalom marshal his forces to fight against David’s?
Ø As David prepared for battle, what was his biggest concern? While the father loved his son, were the feelings mutual? Why or why not? Application?
Ø Absalom’s long hair became his downfall. What was the reason he had long hair? Application?
Ø Why was David tolerant of all that Joab did? Application?
Chapt. 19-20: David Returns/More Rebellion
Ø David almost lost the confidence of his victorious troops by not encouraging them in his grief. Application?
Ø David treated several of those who had opposed him with forgiveness and grace. What does this teach us?
Ø Did David manage to unite the divided kingdom? Why or why not?
Chapt. 21:1-14: The Gibeonites
Ø What was the reason for the severe famine? What does this teach us about the consequences of sin?
Ø What do you think about the “remedy” that the Gibeonites requested to avenge Saul’s sin? Was this something God required or was it a cultural/traditional type of payment? In either case, what can we learn from this?
Chapt. 21:15-22: The Philistines
Ø Why did David have a continual struggle against the Philistines?
Ø What does this teach us about putting sin out of our lives?
Ø Is it possible for us to stand against sin and Satan?
Chapt. 22: David’s Song of praise
Ø What does David’s praise song teach us about how David related to God? Application for us?
Ø When we think about our Heavenly Father, do we consider the same attributes that David did?
Ø Do you agree with David’s description of God? Can you borrow this for your praise and worship of Him?
Chapt. 23: David’s Last Words
Ø The words of David here foreshadow the reign of whom?
Ø The Davidic Covenant finds its fulfillment in whom?
Ø What is the end result of the Davidic Covenant and has that taken place yet?
Ø What do you see as the significance of David’s mighty men?
Chapt. 24: David’s Last Actions
Ø David’s humanity is evident again in this chapter. Why did his calling for a census so anger the Lord?
Ø How was the Lord appeased? (See Exodus 30:11-16)
Ø Would you rather place yourself at the mercy of God or the temperament of man? Application?
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