LESSON #85 (Week ending 01/01/12)

John 13-21

John 13:1-17:  Washing the Disciples’ Feet
Ø  Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples?
Ø  Did they understand what He was doing?  Do we always understand what He is doing?  What should our response always be to Him?
Ø  Do we follow the example of humility that Jesus set before us?  Why not?

John 13:18-38: The Betrayals
Ø  Why did Jesus pick Judas to be a disciple?
Ø  Why didn’t the eleven figure out that Judas was the betrayer?
Ø  What is the new commandment that Jesus gave to His disciples?  Does that commandment apply to us as well?
Ø  Was Peter earnest in his desire to follow Jesus wherever He went?  Why did he fail?  How does that apply to us?

John 14: Comforting Words From Jesus
Ø  Jesus told us to trust and not fear, why?  Do we live like we believe that?
Ø  According to Jesus, from whom can we find all truth? 
Ø  When Jesus used the term “I am”, what did His hearing understand Him to be saying?
Ø  How does Jesus explain His relationship with the Father?
Ø  What does it mean “to ask for anything in His name”?  Application?
Ø  How does Jesus determine if someone loves Him?
Ø  Who is the Comforter and what does the word “Comforter” mean?

John 15:1-17:  The Vine and the Branches
Ø  Who is the Vine?  Who is the Gardener?
Ø  Why does the Gardener cut off or prune branches?  Is cutting or pruning painful?
Ø  Is it possible to bear fruit apart from the vine?  What about the good deeds of unbelievers?
Ø  Is it possible to have joy in this world?  Who?
Ø  What is the greatest demonstration of love for another?  Are we also called to that degree of love?

John 15:18-16:5:  The World Hates
Ø  Why does the world hate true believers?  Examples of that today?
Ø  What is the primary ministry of the Holy Spirit?
Ø  Why did Jesus tell His disciples about the dangers that they faced?  Does this still apply to us?

John 16:6-33:  The Holy Spirit
Ø  What does the Holy Spirit do for the believer?
Ø  What does the Holy Spirit do for the world?
Ø  According to Jesus, we will have trouble in this world.  Is it possible to have peace while in that “Trouble”?  If so, how?

John 17:  The Lord’s Prayer
Ø  This is the most complete prayer that we have from Jesus.  List the items for which Jesus prays and note how He prays.
Ø  What have you learned about prayer from this beautiful example of prayer?
Ø  What comfort, if any, did you find in the Lord’s prayer?
Ø  Has studying this prayer helped your personal prayer life?  How?

John 18: 1-19:16:  The Beginning of the End of Jesus’ Human, Earthly Ministry
Ø  What happened immediately after Jesus finished praying?  Application for us?
Ø  What happened when Jesus answered the solders with the statement:  “I am!”?
Ø  Was the arrest of Jesus legal by the law at the time?  Should we expect protection from our laws against persecution?
Ø  How did you respond to the denials of Peter?  Do you think you might have done better than he did?
Ø  When Pilate questioned Jesus, did Jesus deny His identity?  To what conclusion did Pilate come after questioning Jesus?  Why did he not release Him?  Application?

John 19:17-42:  The End of Jesus’ Physical Earthly Ministry
Ø  What is the significance of the sign the Romans put on the cross of Jesus?
Ø  What is the importance of the fact that the soldiers did not tear Jesus’ robe?
Ø  To whom did Jesus give the responsibility of caring for His mother?
Ø  Did Jesus die or did He give up His life?  Significance?
Ø  Why did the soldiers break the legs of those who were crucified?  Did they break Jesus’ legs?  Why or why not?  Significance?
Ø  What is the significance of Jesus having His side pierced with the spear?
Ø  Who buried the body of Jesus?  Significance?

John 20:  The Empty Tomb
Ø   Why do we worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, rather than on the Sabbath?
Ø  To whom did the risen Lord first appear?  Why do you think He appeared to her first?
Ø  Why did Jesus request that Mary not hold on to Him?
Ø  What was the response of the disciples when Jesus appeared to them?  Why do you think they were so amazed?  How do you think you might have reacted in that situation?
Ø  Why were the miracles of Jesus recorded in this book?

John 21: Jesus Continues to Amaze
Ø  What does the account of Jesus on the beach tell us about His glorified body?
Ø  Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved Him?  Application?
Ø  What can we learn about how Jesus responded to Peter when he questioned Jesus about what John’s future would be?
Ø  Is it humanly possible to record everything that Jesus did while walking on the earth?  Can this be said of anyone else? 

Lesson #84 (Week ending 12/25/11)

2 Kings 13-25

2 Kings 13-16:  More Kings
Ø  List each king in this section of Scripture and give a biblical, one sentence description of that king. 
Ø  What distinguished between those who did evil in the eyes of the Lord and those who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord?  Application?
Ø  What is the underlying reason God did not utterly destroy Israel and Judah immediately?  Application?

2 Kings 17:  Israel’s Last King
Ø  Why was Israel sent into exile by God? 
Ø  Why was this account given to us?  Are we learning anything from the apostasy of Israel?
Ø  What types of idolatry do we practice today?  Are these any less destructive than the practices of the ancient Israelites?

2 Kings 18-20:  Hezekiah King of Judah
Ø  Why did God allow Judah to exist longer than the tribes of Israel?
Ø  Why did God bless Hezekiah?
Ø  Notice the prayer Hezekiah prayed when he feared for Jerusalem.  What stands out in the prayer to you?  Any application for your own prayers?
Ø  How did God deliver Jerusalem from Sennacherib?  What can we learn from this?
Ø  What can we learn about the petition Hezekiah make for healing?  Did Hezekiah’s prayer change the mind of God or was there another reason for the prayer?

2 Kings 21:  More Evil Kings of Judah
Ø  How is Manasseh king of Judah described?  What does this tell us about the nation’s downward spiral?  Any application for countries today?
Ø  What was the response of the Lord to the detestable actions of the kings?

2 Kings 22-23:30:  The Book of the Law Found
Ø  How is Josiah described?  How does he compare to the other kings of Judah?
Ø  What was the significance of Josiah “finding” the Book of the Law?
Ø  What does this teach us about God’s grace even in light of impending judgment?  Application for us?
Ø  Josiah was spared seeing the overthrow of Judah because of his obedience to the Lord.  There comes a point when God’s long-suffering is finished.  What can we learn from this?

2 Kings 23:31-24:20:  More Evil Kings of Judah
Ø  As more evil kings took Judah further down the road of apostasy, God’s judgment fell.
Ø  According to verse 24:20, what was God’s final judgment? 
Ø  What can we do to keep from being “thrust from His presence”? 

2 Kings 25:  Jerusalem Falls
Ø  How did God finally bring judgment on Judah?
Ø  Did this mean that the covenant God made with David was finished?
Ø  How did God demonstrate to His people that He had not given up on them nor had He violated His covenant with David?

LESSON #83 (Week ending 12/18/11)

2 Kings 1 – 12

First and 2 Kings provide a record of Israel’s history from the beginning of the movement to place Solomon on David’s throne through the end of the reign of Zedekiah, Judah’s last king. Zedekiah ruled until the surviving Southern Kingdom was taken captive and Babylonian governors were placed in charge of affairs in Palestine.
Three major periods of Israel’s history can be distinguished in Kings: (a) the united monarchy (during which time Israel and Judah remained united under Solomon as they had been under Saul and David); (b) the divided monarchy (from the rebellion of Israel against the ruler ship of Judean kings until Israel was carried off into captivity by the Assyrians); and (c) the surviving kingdom (the record of Judah’s affairs from the deportation of Israel to Judah’s own defeat and exile by the Babylonians).[1]


2 Kings 1:  The Lord’s Judgment
Ø  Why was God upset with Ahaziah?
Ø  Does God ever approve of His people worshipping other gods?  Application for us?
Ø  Why was God’s judgment so severe on the representatives of the king?  Application?

2 Kings 2:  Elijah Taken Up To Heaven
Ø  What is the significance of Elisha’s persistence in staying with Elijah?
Ø  What did the parting of the water signify about Elijah?  About Elisha?
Ø  Did Elijah face death or was he taken to glory in an unusual way?  Thoughts on this.
Ø  What is the significance of the she-bear mauling the youths who mocked Elisha?  Application for today?

2 Kings 3:  Moab Revolts
Ø  Why did the kings seek out Elisha?  Why do we seek out God’s leading when we get into difficult situations of our own making?
Ø  What does the intervention of God in this situation teach us about grace?
Ø  Why did the Israelite army withdraw after the king of Moab sacrificed his son to the Moabite gods?  Should believers today fear the wrath of God when surrounded by evil?

2 Kings 4:  The Widow’s Oil
Ø  What does the miraculous multiplying of the widow’s oil represent? 
Ø  When God ours out His blessings, what factors limit how much blessing is received?  Application for us?
Ø  What does the account of the well-to-do Shunammite woman tell us about how God views human position, wealth, etc.?
Ø  What does the account of Elisha feeding a hundred men foreshadow?  Application?

2 Kings 5:  Naaman
Ø  How does the account of Naanman illustrate that God’s grace extends to even the enemies of His chosen people?  Application for today?
Ø  Why was Naaman angry about how he was treated?  Application?
Ø  What can we learn from the actions of Gehazi?

2 Kings 6 -7:  Elisha’s Ministry
Ø  What does the floating axe head teach us about God’s grace?
Ø  Why was Elisha’s ability to know the enemies plans important to his ministry?
Ø  Why was Elisha not afraid of the troops sent to take him?  Application for us?
Ø  When the enemy was delivered into the hands of Elisha, how did he respond?  What can we learn for that?
Ø  What does the account of the famine in the besieged city teach us?  Who is intimately in control of every earthly situation?  Do you really believe that and live like it is true?

2 Kings 8 - 12:  More Kings
Ø  How are the kings of Judah described in these chapters?
Ø  How are the kings of Israel described in these chapters?
Ø  Why was God gracious to Jehu?
Ø  What was the controlling attitude during this time among the leaders – doing God’s will or elevating themselves?  What is the application for us today?

[1]Walvoord, J. F., Zuck, R. B., & Dallas Theological Seminary. (1983-c1985). The Bible knowledge commentary : An exposition of the scriptures (1:483). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

LESSON # 82 (Week ending 12/11/11)

The Gospel of John 7 - 12

John 7:  Who Is This Jesus?
Ø  Why did Jesus say that “the world hates Him”?
Ø  Why didn’t Jesus go to the Feast of the Tabernacles with His brothers?
Ø  Why was Jesus’ teaching so impressive?
Ø  Why couldn’t the authorities arrest Jesus at this time?  Application for us?
Ø  Why couldn’t the people understand the meaning behind the words Jesus spoke?  Is there any comparison to how people respond to the Word of God today?
Ø  What is the significance of Jesus referring to being thirsty on the last day of the festival?
Ø  How would you answer the argument that Jesus could not be the Christ because He came from Galilee?

John 8: Who Are The Disciples of Jesus?
Ø  When Jesus stated in verse 12 – “I am the light of the world” – what was He really saying?
Ø  What is the significance of the “two witness” argument?  How did Jesus handle that argument?
Ø  What, according to Jesus, is one way to tell if someone is really His disciple?  Application?
Ø  How, according to Jesus, can anyone be set free from sin?  Does that still hold true today?
Ø  How would the Jews respond to the comparison between Abraham’s children and being children of the devil?  Were those the only two options?  What are the options today?
Ø  In verse 58 Jesus again says that he is the “I am”.  What is He saying to the Jews?

John 9: Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind
Ø  What was the reason for the man’s blindness?  What does this teach about the root cause of some physical issues?
Ø  How does Jesus use the healing of a physical blindness to teach about spiritual darkness?  Application for us?
Ø  What is the significance of Jesus healing the blind man on the Sabbath?
Ø  How did the blind man respond to the Pharisees when questioned about Jesus?  What can we learn from this man’s testimony?
Ø  What did the blind man have to do to gain spiritual sight?  Application?

John 10:1-21:  The Shepherd and His Flock
Ø  Find all of the “I am” statements in this chapter.  What is Jesus telling the people?
Ø  Is it possible for someone unknown by the Shepherd to enter into the fold?  Application?
Ø  What is the difference between a good shepherd and one who isn’t?  Application for today?
Ø  Describe the characteristics of a shepherd as listed in this chapter.  How does that apply to pastors today?

John 10:22-42:  The unbelief of the Jews
Ø  When Jesus states that He has already answered their question about whether or not He is the Christ, how do the people respond?  How does this translate into our society and people today?
Ø  What does verse 28 teach about the security of the believer?
Ø  Why were the miracles that Jesus performed not enough to bring these people to salvation?  Application for today?
Ø  Why did the Jews not stone Jesus at this time?

John 11:  Lazarus
Ø  What was the purpose of Lazarus’ death?
Ø  Why did Jesus wait before going to Bethany?
Ø  What does verse 25 teach about Jesus?  Is it still applicable for today?
Ø  Why did Jesus call Lazarus by name when He raised him from the dead?
Ø  What were the different responses to the miracle Jesus performed with Lazarus?

John 12:  Jesus Anointed
Ø  What was the significance of Mary pouring the perfume on Jesus?
Ø  What was the significance of Judas Iscariot’s objection?
Ø  Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus as well as Jesus?  Any application for today?
Ø  What did the Triumphal Entry portray to the Jewish nation?
Ø  Why did the Jews not accept their Messiah coming on the colt of a donkey?  What were they expecting?
Ø  Is it possible that many in the crowd who were singing “Hosanna” were also the ones crying “crucify Him”?  What does this teach about human nature and the plight of man without a Savior?
Ø  Why was Jesus’ heart troubled?
Ø  There are only two responses to the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into a person’s life.  What are those responses?  Has Jesus made a “triumphal entry” into your life?  How did you respond to Him when that happened? 

LESSON # 81 (Week ending 11/27/11)

John 1 - 6

John 1:1-18:  The Birth of Christ
Ø  Why is John’s account of Christ’s birth so different than the other Gospels?
Ø  According to our text, who is the Creator?
Ø  To whom did the Word come?  How does that affect us today?

John 1:19-34:  John the Baptizer
Ø  Who did John profess to be?
Ø  What did Jesus saw about John?
Ø  Is there any difference between John’s baptism and the water baptism we do today?
Ø  How did John know that Jesus was the Messiah?  Did he know Jesus before that revelation?

John 1:35-51:  The First Disciples
Ø  What is a disciple?  Did anyone other than Jesus have disciples?
Ø  What happened to two of John’s disciples?
Ø  How did Nathanael come to know Jesus?

John 2:  Jesus’ First Public Ministries
Ø  What does the way Jesus responded to Mary tell us?  Was it a rebuke of His mother?
Ø  What is the significance of this first miracle?
Ø  Why was Jesus so upset about what was happening in the Temple?  How did His actions there set the stage for His future conflicts with the religious leaders?

John 3:1-21:  Nicodemus
Ø  What was Nicodemus’ background?  Significance?
Ø  What does Jesus mean when He uses the phrase “you must be born again”?  Was that only for Nicodemus and the first century?
Ø  According to John 3:16, for whom did Jesus come to die?  Application?

John 3:22-36:  John the Baptizers Testimony
Ø   Where was John at this time in our text?
Ø  Did John understand the limits of his ministry?  Application?
Ø  Did John understand who Jesus really was?

John 4:1-26:  The Samaritan Woman
Ø  What is the significance of Jesus speaking with the Samaritan woman?
Ø  How did Jesus apply the well water to the true “water”?  Significance?
Ø  Did Jesus reject the woman because of her “colored” past?  Application for us?

John 4:27-54:  Many Respond to Jesus
Ø  Why did the disciples respond negatively to Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman?
Ø  What was His response to the disciples?  Application for us?
Ø  Why did the Samaritan people believe in Jesus at this point?
Ø  How did Jesus first respond to the request for another miracle?  Application?

John 5:1-15:  Healing at the Pool
Ø  How many people did Jesus heal at the Pool of Bethesda?  Significance?
Ø  On what day of the week did Jesus heal the paralytic?  Significance?
Ø  How did the healed man respond to Jesus?  Application for us?

John 5:16-47:  Life Through the Son
Ø  What was Jesus persecuted by the Jews?  Application for us?
Ø  How did Jesus describe His relationship with the Father?  What can we learn from this about our ministries?
Ø  What did Jesus say about the religious leaders understanding of the Scriptures?  What can we learn from this?

John 6:1-15:  Feeding the Five Thousand
Ø  Why were the people following Jesus?  Is there any application for today?
Ø  What did the multiplying of the food indicate about Jesus?
Ø  After seeing the miracle did the people believe in Jesus or simply want a “free lunch”?  Application?

John 6:16-59:  Jesus Walks on the Water
Ø  What happened to the storm when Jesus entered the boat?  Significance?
Ø  What was the response of the disciples at this miracle?
Ø  What, according to Jesus, is the “work of God”?  Application for us?
Ø  How does Jesus describe Himself?  Do you believe that?
Ø  Was Jesus speaking of cannibalism when He described “eating His flesh and drinking His blood”?  To what was he referring?

John 6:60-71:  A Falling Away
Ø  Why did some of the disciples leave Jesus?  What does this teach us about “Christianity” today?
Ø  Does everyone who claims to be a “disciple” fit the description that Jesus gave?  Application?
Ø  Why did Jesus choose Judas Iscariot if He knew that Judas was the one who would betray Him?

LESSON # 80 (Week ending 11/20/11)

1 Kings 12 - 22

1 Kings 12: Israel Rebels
Ø  Why did Rehoboam reject the advice of his father’s advisors?  Application for us when seeking advice.
Ø  What was the end result of Rehoboam’s decision?
Ø  Why did Jeroboam make false idols for the people of Israel to worship?  Is there any application for us today?

1 Kings 13: The Man of God From Judah
Ø  How did God respond to Jeroboam’s false gods and false alters?  What does He think about false gods today?
Ø  What does the account of the prophet and the false prophet teach about obedience? 
Ø  Are all who claim to be prophets of God true prophets?

1 Kings 14:1-20: Prophesy Against Jeroboam
Ø  Why was the Lord’s judgment so harsh on Jeroboam?
Ø  Which party of the covenant between God and David broke that covenant?  Application?

1 Kings 14:21-15:24: Kings of Judah
Ø  When Rehoboam was king of Judah (at the same time Jeroboam was king of Israel) was he any more obedient and righteous than Jeroboam?
Ø  What were the sins of Rehoboam?
Ø  What are the “gods” we set up today in place of the true God?

1 Kings 15:25-16:34: Kings of Israel
Ø  The Kingdom is now divided and we see in these verses a list of kings that served in Israel (Northern Kingdom). 
Ø  What was the terse description of each of the kings of Israel?
Ø  Whenever a nation turns its back of God what is the trend from that point; upward or downward?  Application?

1 Kings 17:1-19:21: Elijah
Ø   Does God ever leave His people without a voice to direct them?
Ø  Notice how God protects His faithful servant Elijah.  What is the application for us?
Ø  What does the Lord’s servant Obadiah represent as a type?
Ø  What is the significance of the events that occurred on Mount Carmel?
Ø  What does Elijah’s fleeing from Jezebel tell us about Elijah?  Application?

1 Kings 20: Ben-Hadad and Ahab
Ø  King Ahab was disobedience to the Lord yet God gave him victory over Ben-Hadad.  Why?
Ø  How did Ahab handle the victory that God gave him?  Application?

1 Kings 21:  Naboth’s Vineyard
Ø  What was the significance of Naboth refusing the king’s request for his land?
Ø  David took Uriah’s wife by murder and deceit. Ahab took Naboth’s field by murder and deceit.  God responded differently with each of them.  Why?  Application?
Ø  Notice the comparison between David and Ahab.  Thoughts?

1 Kings 22:  More Turmoil and More Evil Kings
Ø  Ahab tried to disguise his identity while going to war against God’s will.  Do you ever try to “disguise” your identity from God and others when you are doing something God has told you not to do?
Ø  What description was given Jehoshaphat?  Did he do everything that God commanded?  Application?
Ø  How did the writer describe Ahaziah, King of Israel? 
Ø  Generally speaking, the kings of Judah were considered “good” kings and the kings of Israel were considered “evil” kings.  Why?