LESSON # 45 (Week ending 11/14/10)

1 Corinthians 11:2-16:24

11:2-16: Correction in Worship

Ø Remember that the book of Corinthians was written by Paul to correct errors in the church at Corinth.

Ø According to Paul there is a hierarchy in the family of God. Why?

Ø Is this hierarchy in any way denigrating to women?

Ø What was Paul's response to those who disagreed with him about this teaching?

Ø Application for us?

11:17-34: Communion

Ø Was Paul happy with the way the Corinthians were celebrating the Lord's Supper? Why or why not?

Ø What is the reason for celebrating communion?

Ø What does it mean to take communion in an "unworthy" manner?

Ø What are the results of taking communion in an "unworthy" manner?

Ø Does that still apply for us today?

12:1-31: Spiritual Gifts

Ø Why did God give gifts to men?

Ø Are all the gifts Paul lists still given to men today? Why or why not?

Ø Does everyone have all the gifts?

Ø Why do some have particular gifts and others do not?

Ø How does the physical body resemble the giving and use of spiritual gifts?

Ø Do you know your spiritual gift? Are you happy with it? Are you using it?

13:1-13: Love

Ø The context of this passage teaches that the Corinthians were more concerned about their personal spiritual gift than they were about loving others. How about you?

Ø Do spiritual gifts accomplish anything without love?

Ø How is love defined in this passage?

Ø What was the greatest demonstration of love ever given?

14:1-25: Special Gifts

Ø What does Paul mean when he speaks of the gift of prophecy in this context?

Ø Why is it more profitable that some of the other gifts?

Ø Why, in verse 20, does Paul refer to the Corinthians as "children"?

Ø Application for us today?

14:26-40: More Correction in Worship

Ø The Corinthians were coming to worship services to impress others, not to worship God. What does Paul say about this?

Ø What should the bottom line be when it comes to worship services (vs. 40)?

Ø Application for us?

15:1-58: Resurrection

Ø Why did Paul have to remind the Corinthians of the Gospel?

Ø How did Paul define the Gospel in this passage?

Ø Did all the Corinthians believe in resurrection from the dead?

Ø How did Paul respond to this incorrect view of the resurrection?

Ø What does Paul mean when he refers to being "baptized for the dead"?

Ø What does Paul tell us about our resurrection bodies and how they will differ from our earthly bodies?

16:1-24: Final Thoughts

Ø What did Paul teach about giving?

Ø Note Paul's instructions in verse 13. Here he synthesizes the teachings of this letter. How can we apply this to our daily walk with Christ?

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