I Corinthians 1:1-11:1
"Paul arrives in Corinth after his visit to Athens, and stays there for about eighteen months between ad 50 and 52. Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles how Paul lives with a Jewish couple, Aquila and Priscilla, and joins them in their business of tent making (Acts 18:1–3).
Paul founds the church in Corinth, and then moves on to Ephesus. In Ephesus he gets news from Corinth that various problems have arisen. It is to deal with these problems that he writes the letter we know as 1 Corinthians.
The church in Corinth is reflecting the society in which it is set. There is pride, selfishness, jealousy and immorality. There are splits between different groups and there is rivalry between the leaders.
Some of the questions being raised are very practical — about sex and marriage, living among pagans and paying apostles. Others are more spiritual — understanding spiritual gifts, controlling Christian meetings and believing in the resurrection.
Paul takes each problem in turn and shows how the gospel applies to it. He has a brilliant mind and a warm heart. He gives guidelines for holiness in a pagan society. He puts spiritual gifts in their proper perspective. He teaches about leading worship meetings, and the meaning of the Lord's Supper."[1]
1:1-17: Thanksgiving
Ø To whom is Paul writing this letter? How does he address them?
Ø Why was Paul thankful for these believers?
Ø Why was Paul upset with these believers?
Ø Applications for us today?
1:18-2:5: Who is this Christ?
Ø How does Paul describe Jesus in this passage?
Ø How does Paul see the wisdom of man compared to God's wisdom?
Ø Did Paul exalt his own abilities in ministry?
Ø Application?
2:6-16: Wisdom
Ø What does Paul mean when he speaks of "God's secret wisdom"?
Ø From whom is God's wisdom secret and to whom is God's secret revealed?
Ø How does this explain the unsaved person's attitude toward God and the things of God?
3:1-23: A Divided Church
Ø Why was Paul upset with the church at Corinth?
Ø Is it ever wise to build one's hope and trust on a man?
Ø On what should we build our belief system?
Ø Application for us today.
4:1-21: Apostles of Christ
Ø How did Paul view his Apostleship?
Ø In what ways did Paul encourage the Corinthians to imitate him?
Ø How did Paul multiply his ministry with people?
Ø Application?
5:1-13: Dealing with Immoral Brothers
Ø What was Paul's teaching on immorality among believers?
Ø If we are not to judge one another, how could Paul pass judgment on this individual?
Ø Why is important to judge and deal with those within the church?
Ø Was Paul's admonition to expel the offender to severe?
6:1-11: How to Handle Disputes Between Brothers
Ø Does Paul see a difference between believers and unbelievers when it comes to disputes?
Ø How did he teach the Corinthians to deal with such matters?
Ø Is that still relevant for the church today?
Ø What is the proper way for a believer to respond when they have been wronged?
6:12-20: Sexual Immorality
Ø What is Paul's argument against sexual immorality?
Ø Define sexual immorality.
Ø To whom does the believer belong? Are we living like that is true in our lives?
7:1-40: Marriage
Ø What is one of the main reasons for marriage?
Ø What does Paul say about separation and divorce? Why?
Ø How can an unbelieving spouse be sanctified through a believing spouse?
Ø If an unbelieving spouse leaves does that give the believing spouse the freedom to remarry?
Ø Does death of a spouse free the other spouse for remarriage?
8:1-13: Food Sacrificed to Idols
Ø What is Paul's major argument about eating or not eating food sacrificed to idols?
Ø Can our behavior influence others? Application.
9:1-27: The Rights of an Apostle
Ø What qualified Paul as an Apostle?
Ø Did Paul take advantage of his position? Application for us?
Ø Why does Paul preach the Gospel? Application for us?
Ø What was Paul's concern about how he handles his ministry?
10:1-11:1: Warnings
Ø What can we learn from the Israelites and the fact that God was not pleased with them?
Ø Is there ever a time when we are tested beyond what we can stand?
Ø What was it that caused God's displeasure with Israel? Is that something that could happen to us?
Ø If we are not bound by the low, everything is permissible, why should we consider how our actions would affect others?
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