Lesson #36 (Week ending 09/12/10)

Proverbs 11:14-22:16

Proverbs 11:14-31: Wise vs. Unwise Actions

  • List several of the wise actions listed in this passage.
  • List the corresponding unwise actions.
  • What can we learn from these comparisons?
  • Is God aware of the actions of the righteous and unrighteous? Application?

Proverbs 12: Discipline and Diligence

  • Why does the writer say that we should "love" discipline?
  • Note the comparisons between the wicked and the righteous. List some of the adjectives that the writer uses to describe the wicked (undisciplined).
  • What can we apply from these verses in our daily walk with God?

Proverbs 13: Wisdom and Life

  • What words does the writer use to describe wisdom?
  • Are there any biblical exceptions to some of these Proverbs? If so, who would that be?
  • What wisdom is given in the passage concerning children? Application?

Proverbs 14: Wisdom and Earthly Power

  • From where (whom) does wisdom come?
  • Why is worldly wisdom so contrary to godly wisdom?
  • Who is it that attempts to keep man from focusing on God wisdom?
  • Is the way which looks correct to man, the right way? (14:12)

Proverbs 15: Wisdom in Heart and Speech

  • What does this section teach about the tongue?
  • The writer lists some very descriptive adjectives describing what the Lord thinks about the wicked. What are they?
  • What does this passage teach about greed?

Proverbs 16: God is Sovereign

  • Who is ultimately in charge? Do we really believe that???
  • When the Lord examines a man's actions, what is the most important thing to Him?
  • When our focus is on God, how will He bless us?
  • What is one of the greatest deterrents in receiving God's blessings? (16:18)

Proverbs 17: Avoiding Injustice

  • What does the writer say about injustice to the poor in this chapter?
  • Is dishonest gain ever justified?
  • What does God think about dishonest legal systems? (17:15)

Proverbs 18: Consequences of Decisions

  • What are the consequences of being a fool?
  • What are the benefits of being wise?
  • What part of the body has the "power of life and death"? (18:21) What does this mean? Application?

Proverbs 19: Wealth and Wisdom

  • List the comparisons in this passage. What do you learn from these comparisons?
  • What is the way to prosperity? By prosperity is the writer only speaking of earthly riches?
  • What does the writer say about the poor in this passage?
  • What is taught about children and wives?

Proverbs 20: Inner Motives

  • What do verses 20:1-5 teach about self-control?
  • Can anyone say they are without sin? (20:9)
  • What is taught about the tongue in 20:19-20?

Proverbs 21: The Sovereignty of God

  • Who control the king's heart? What does that mean?
  • What is most important to then Lord, obedience or sacrifice?
  • Who is ultimately in control and will judge all men?
  • Why does Solomon talk so much about ill-tempered wives? Application???

Proverbs 22: 1-16: Wealth and Riches

  • What does it mean that "a good name is more desirable than riches"?
  • Whose responsibility is it to train up a child? If it is done correctly what is the result?
  • Note the comparisons between the wicked and the generous. How should this affect our behavior?

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