LESSON #35 (Week ending 08/29/10)

Proverbs 1:1-11:13


"The Book of Proverbs is a book of moral and ethical instructions, dealing with many aspects of life. The teachings in this book guide its readers in how to lead wise, godly lives and how to avoid the pitfalls of unwise, ungodly conduct.

It has a broad, timeless appeal because of its great variety of subjects and their relevance to everyday life. Proper and improper attitudes, conduct, and characteristics are referred to repeatedly and in succinct, penetrating ways. Proverbs is God's book on "how to wise up and live." It is His treasure book of wisdom." (Bible Knowledge Commentary)

Authorship: Proverbs has several authors the primary one being Solomon.


The purpose of Proverbs is given in the introduction to the book -- Prov. 1:2-4, 6: (a) "for attaining wisdom and discipline," (b) "for understanding words of insight," (c) "for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life," (d) "for giving prudence to the simple," (e) "for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise." (BKC)


Proverbs 1:1-7: Proverbs – The Purpose and Theme

Ø List the four reasons that God gave us the Proverbs

Ø What is the beginning of knowledge?

Ø How can one determine whether or not he is a "fool"?

Proverbs 1:8-33: Embrace Wisdom

Ø Why is it important to pick good friends?

Ø In what ways do bad friends entice someone?

Ø In contrast to bad friends, what should we seek?

Ø What is the advantage of rejecting fools and listening to wisdom?

Proverbs 2: The Moral Benefits of Wisdom

Ø What is learned and is one of the great benefit of seeking wisdom?

Ø What does God do for one who seeks His wisdom?

Ø What happens when wisdom enters one's heart?

Ø From what/or whom will wisdom save you?

Proverbs 3: More Benefits of Wisdom

Ø What is our responsibility when it comes to wisdom?

Ø Wisdom teaches us to trust in the Lord. Why?

Ø Why is it important to honor God with our wealth? What is wealth?

Ø When God disciplines us what does that teach us about our relationship with Him?

Ø How can we tell if God is disciplining us or if Satan is coming against us?

Ø How are we to act toward others?

Proverbs 4: Listen . . .

Ø Once we obtain wisdom what are we to do with it?

Ø How can wisdom guard your earthly walk?

Ø How can wisdom guard your heart?

Ø How can wisdom guard your tongue?

Ø How can wisdom guard your eyes?

Proverbs 5: Warning Against Adultery

Ø What are the temptations of sexual pleasure?

Ø What are the consequences of falling into sexual sins?

Ø What is the remedy for being able to with stand sexual sins?

Ø Are sexual sins ever hidden sins? Why or why not?

Proverbs 6: Pitfalls to Avoid

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who go into debt for someone else?

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who are lazy?

Ø What does wisdom teach about those who are corrupt?

Ø What seven things does God hate?

Ø What are the consequences of illicit sex?

Ø How do all of these things apply to us?

Proverbs 7: More Warnings Against Adultery

Ø Why is Solomon so knowledgeable in this area?

Ø The human sin nature is easily lead astray, is that still true today?

Ø Are sexual sins limited only to the male gender?

Ø What is the final outcome of succumbing to the adulteress?

Ø What sound advice does Solomon give to stand against the adulteress?

Proverbs 8: Wisdom's Call

Ø What does it mean that "wisdom calls out" to men?

Ø Is it possible to know what God considers wise and prudent?

Ø What is prudence? (vs. 12)

Ø How long has wisdom been around?

Ø What happens to those who find wisdom?

Ø What happens to those who fail to find wisdom?

Proverbs 9: Wisdom's Fruits and Folly's Pain

Ø What are the promises of wisdom?

Ø What are the benefits of following wisdom

Ø What are the promises of folly?

Ø What are the consequences of following folly?

Proverbs 10-11: Right vs. Wrong

Ø What are the comparisons between the wise and the foolish?

Ø What are the comparisons between righteous and the unrighteous?

Ø Do these proverbs apply to us today? How?

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