LUKE 11:37 – 13:35
Week ending 02/14/10
11:37-53: Woe To You . . .
Ø Why do you think the Pharisees invited Jesus to eat with them?
Ø Did Jesus show tolerance toward the Pharisees and their hypocritical practices?
Ø When told by one of the Pharisees that He was "insulting" them, did Jesus become more tolerant?
Ø How should we handle the "Pharisee" that lives within each of us?
Ø Should we be bold when proclaiming the Word of God?
12:1-12: Warnings and Encouragements
Ø What did Jesus warn His disciples against in these verses?
Ø What does it mean to "acknowledge" Jesus before men? Forwarding e-mails?
Ø What does it mean to "blaspheme the Holy Spirit"? (See Luke 11:14-28)
Ø Who is the Teacher of the Word of God?
12:13-21: The Trappings of Greed
Ø Why did Jesus refuse to be the arbitrator of the inheritance?
Ø Is greed a problem today?
Ø Why is greed such a deceiver of men?
12:22-34: No Room for Worry
Ø When we worry, what are we displaying?
Ø Jesus exhorts His followers to seek one thing, what is it?
Ø Along with worry comes fear. Is that of God? Why do we fear?
12:35-48: Be Ready
Ø Why did Jesus exhort His disciples to be ready?
Ø Looking at the examples in this passage, what does it mean to be ready?
Ø For how long did Jesus tell His disciples to be on the ready? Application to us?
12:49-59: Know The Signs
Ø Notice the questions Jesus asks: "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth?" "How is it you don't know how to interpret this present time?" "Why don't you judge for yourself what is right?"
Ø What is His underlying theme throughout these questions?
Ø Do we truly understand and apply to our lives His teachings?
13:1-9: Everyone Has A Choice
Ø What does it mean "to repent"?
Ø What does it mean "to perish"?
Ø Is God's grace and long-suffering going to last forever? Application for us?
13:10-17: Lord of the Sabbath
Ø Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath? Was He unaware that it would cause problems?
Ø Have we become pharisaical in our limiting how, where, and when Jesus can work today?
Ø When the Lord corrects us in areas where we have been hypocritical, what is our response? Humiliation? Praise?
13:18-21: What is the
Ø Explain the comparison of the Kingdom to a mustard seed and yeast.
Ø What part do each of us play in that analogy?
Ø What did the mustard seed and yeast do in and by themselves?
13:22-30: The Narrow Door
Ø Why will many try to enter the Door but will not be able to?
Ø Is there coming a time when no one will be able to enter any more?
Ø Will our doing "Jesus like things" give us entry through the Door?
Ø What is THE prerequisite for entering through the Door?
13:31-35: Sorrow for
Ø Why was Jesus so sorrowful for
Ø Who did
Ø Are we sorrowful (or judgmental) toward a lost a dying world?
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