LUKE 17:1 – 19:28
17:1-10: Teachings on Sin
Ø Did Jesus teach that sin was something with which people would have to deal?
Ø What did He say about those who entice others to sin? Think about that!
Ø What are we to do if we see a brother sinning? (See also Gal. 6:1)
Ø How often should we forgive someone who has sinned against us? Who is our example?
Ø Should we look for special accolades when we do what Christ has called us to do?
17:11-19: Teachings on Faith
Ø Did Jesus use the same "formula" every time He healed? Why not?
Ø What constituted healing faith in this passage?
Ø What was different about the man who came back?
Ø How does that apply to us?
17:20-37: Teachings on the Future
Ø When did the
Ø When Jesus said to the Pharisees "the kingdom is in you", what did He mean?
Ø Is the
Ø When Jesus speaks of "the days of the Son of Man", to what is He referring? The Rapture?
Ø When judgment came in the days of Noah, how many were saved?
Ø When judgment came on
Ø When the Son of Man is revealed, in this context where will the ones "taken" go? (Vs. 37)
18:11-14: Parables About Prayer
Ø The Persistent Widow
ü What does this parable teach about prayer?
ü Is persistent prayer the same as nagging God?
Ø The Praying Sinner
ü What does this parable teach about prayer?
ü Note the differences between the two prayers and their petitions. What can we learn from this?
18:15-17: Pure Faith
Ø Why did Jesus use little children as examples?
Ø How do we become like little children?
18:18-30: What Must I Do?
Ø When Luke wrote this wealth was seen as a blessing of God and an indication that one was in God's perfect will.
Ø Jesus' teaching indicated otherwise. Is wealth, in and on itself, wrong? Can God bless people with wealth and use them in ministry?
Ø What is the underlying truth at which Jesus is driving in this passage?
Ø To what is Jesus referring when He speaks of "the eye of a needle"?
Ø Notice the response of those who heard Jesus. How did He respond to their question?
Ø Will those who choose to follow and obey Jesus receive heavenly blessings?
18:31-34: A Prediction
Ø Jesus told His disciples very clearly what the future held for Him.
Ø Why was the meaning of Jesus' statement concerning His future hidden from the disciples?
18:35-43: "I Want To See"
Ø How does the healing of the blind man near
Ø Is it possible for anyone to truly "see" without the Lord removing the scales from our eyes?
Ø How do people gain spiritual vision?
19:1-10: Changed by Jesus
Ø If someone has a spiritual hunger and wants to "see" Jesus, can they, like Zacchaeus find Him?
Ø While Zacchaeus was looking to see Jesus, who actually found him?
Ø What indicated that Zacchaeus was a changed man after his encounter with Jesus?
Ø In the words of Jesus, what was His ultimate mission? (vs. 10)
19:11-27: Parable of the Minas
Ø Why did Jesus tell the parable about the minas?
Ø What are we supposed to be doing while we are awaiting His return?
Ø How are we doing?
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