Matthew 19-23
Matthew 19:1-15: Divorce
Ø What was Jesus trying to communicate when He answered the Pharisee’s question about divorce?
Ø What was Jesus’ answer to why Moses allowed divorce?
Ø Why did the disciples respond to Jesus the way they did?
Ø What can we learn about the teachings of Jesus from His response to little children?
Matthew 19:16-30: The Rich Young Man
Ø Is there any correlation between Jesus’ answer concerning divorce and His response to the rich man? Explain.
Ø What does Jesus’ answer to the rich man teach about eternal life?
Ø Does Jesus indicate that the rich cannot be saved? What does He say?
Ø Why were the disciples so surprised at His response to the rich man? Application?
Matthew 20:1-19: Workers in the Vineyard
Ø To what does the vineyard refer? To whom do the workers refer? Who is the landowner?
Ø Why did the ones who had worked the longest complain? Application?
Ø Is God ever “unfair”?
Ø What is the lesson from this parable?
Matthew 20:20-28: A Mother’s Request
Ø How does the answer Jesus gave to this request relate to “ask anything in my Name and it will be given you”?
Ø What did it mean that James and John would be required to drink the cup that Jesus was going to drink?
Ø Why were the other disciples indignant about the request? Application?
Matthew 20:29-21:11: The Triumphal Entry
Ø What did the healing of the blind men have to do with the Triumphal Entry?
Ø What were the actions of Jesus saying as He entered Jerusalem that 1st Palm Sunday?
Ø Is there anything unusual about Jesus riding into town on a colt that had never been ridden?
Ø What does “hosanna” mean?
Matthew 21:12-17: Jesus at the Temple
Ø Why was Jesus upset with the activity at the temple? Application for today?
Ø Why were the leaders indignant at the miracles Jesus performed?
Ø How did Jesus respond to the religious leaders? Application?
Matthew 12:18-27: The Fig Tree and Jesus’ Authority
Ø To what (or whom) does the fig tree refer?
Ø What was the lesson for the disciples? For us?
Ø How did Jesus answer the question:”by whose authority are you doing these things (miracles)?
Ø Why didn’t He directly answer their question?
Matthew 12:28-22:14: Parables
Ø What does the parable of the two sons teach?
Ø What does the parable of the tenants teach?
Ø What does the parable of the wedding feast teach?
Ø Do these parables have any relevance for us today?
Matthew 22:15-46: Teachings
Ø What does Jesus’ teaching on taxes teach?
Ø What does His teaching on the resurrection teach?
Ø What do you think about Jesus’ response to what the greatest commandment is? Is there any application for us today?
Ø What does Jesus’ answer on whose son the Christ is teach?
Matthew 23: Seven Woes
Ø To whom are these “woes” directed?
Ø What is “woe” #1? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #2? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #3? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #4? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #5? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #6? Application?
Ø What is “woe” #7? Application?
Ø What event was set in motion by this exchange?
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