LESSON #90 (Week ending 02/05/12)

Isaiah 53-66

Isaiah 52:13-53:12:  The Suffering Servant
Ø  What things stand out to you about this description of the Messiah?
Ø  What do you think was the most traumatic part of Jesus’ suffering; the physical abuse or the fact that He carried all our sins on the cross?  Thoughts?
Ø  Why does Isaiah state that “it was the Lord’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer”?

Isaiah 54:  The Future Glory of Zion
Ø  Why is Israel’s future so bright?
Ø  Do you think this prophecy has happened or is it still future?  Why?
Ø  What does this tell us about the promises of God?  Application for us?

Isaiah 55:1-56:8: Invitation to the Thirsty
Ø  Even though God choose Israel to be His people, did they also have a choice in the matter?  Application for us?
Ø  Does verse 6 seem to give a time limit to seeking the Lord?  Application?
Ø  What does it mean to “turn to the Lord”?
Ø  Does the salvation of the Lord extend to those who are not Israelites?

Isaiah 56:9-57:21:  God’s Accusations Against the Wicked
Ø  List the sins of the wicked in this passage.  Do you see any correlation to our world today?
Ø  Where, according to this chapter, does God live? 
Ø  Why does God limit His judgment and pour out His grace?

Isaiah 58:  True Fasting
Ø  Why did God reject Israel’s fasting?  Application?
Ø  How does God define fasting?  Application?

Isaiah 59: Sin, Confession, and Redemption
Ø  What separates God’s people from Himself?
Ø  What is the remedy for the people of Israel?  For us?
Ø  What was the covenant God gave to His people?  Has He kept that covenant?  Have the people?

Isaiah 60: The Glory of Zion
Ø  Why will all the nations flock to Zion?  Explain the Light.
Ø  Does this description of Zion sound like anything that has happened yet?
Ø  To what do verses 18-22 refer?

Isaiah 61-62: The Year of the Lord’s Favor
Ø  To whom does the prophecy in verses 1-3 refer?
Ø  What will the world like when Jesus is reigning on earth?
Ø  What will be the response of God’s people during this time period?
Ø  What will Jerusalem be like during this period?

Isaiah 63:1-64:12:  God’s Day of Vengeance and Redemption
Ø   Is there coming a day when God’s vengeance will be poured out on all the nations who have rejected Him?  Application?
Ø  Why did God not totally destroy Israel?  Application for us?
Ø  Does anyone have any “righteousness” that can earn them the forgiveness of the Lord? 
Ø  What is the only thing that brings forgiveness?

Isaiah 65:  Judgment and Salvation
Ø  Who sought out the people of Israel?  Did they seek Him?  Application?
Ø  God promises a new heaven and a new earth.  Do you believe this is a literal prophecy yet to come?
Ø  What differences will there be in this new creation over what is in the present creation?

Isaiah 66:  Judgment and Hope
Ø  Who is the one whom God esteems?  Application?
Ø  What is the hope that is given to the Israelites who follow God?  Application?
Ø  Do you see this passage as referring to believers today? 
Ø  What is the hope that is given to those of us who believe?

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