LESSON #57 (Week ending 02/13/11)

Hebrews 7-10

7:1-28: Melchizedek

Ø What do we know about Melchizedek?

Ø To who is he compared? Is he a Theophany?

Ø What is the significance in the change of the order of the priesthood?

Ø On what is this new order of priesthood based?

Ø What is a major difference between the priests of the tow different orders?

Ø Why do you think this was a difficult teaching for the readers of this letter?

8:1-13: The High Priest of A New Covenant

Ø Where does our High Priest reside?

Ø What did the tabernacle that Moses built foreshadow?

Ø Is the New Covenant better or superior to the Old Covenant? Why or why not?

Ø Why was the Old Covenant replaced?

9:1-10: Comparisons of the Two Tabernacles

Ø What was worship in the first tabernacle like?

Ø What about worship in the new tabernacle?

Ø What was the promise of the Old Covenant? What is the promise of the New Covenant?

Ø What is necessary for the forgiveness of sins?

10:1-30: A Sacrifice Once and For All

Ø How does the author of Hebrews describe the Law?

Ø Was God ever satisfied with the sin offerings required by the Law?

Ø What satisfied His righteous requirement needed to pay for the sins of mankind?

Ø Were the Israelites able to draw near to God? Who was their representative who was allowed face-to-face contact with the Father?

Ø What did Christ accomplish that allows believers an open door to the Father at any time?

Ø Do believers have any responsibilities for one another? What are they?

Ø Do verses 26-31 teach that a believer can lose his salvation if he continues to sin? Why or why not?

Ø Why did the author exhort his readers to persevere and continue to do the will of God? Is there any application for us?

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