Romans 8:18-11:36
Romans 8:18-27: The Best is Yet to Come
- How did Paul look at the sufferings he had to endure on earth? How do you look at your sufferings?
- Did the fall of man affect creation as well as all of mankind? If so, how?
- Paul says that he "waits eagerly" for his redemption. Do you? Are you eagerly looking forward to meeting your Lord, Jesus Christ?
- What happens when we want to pray but don't seem to be able to find the right words? Application?
Romans 8:28-39: More Than Conquerors
- Does Paul say that everything is good?
- What does it mean that God predestined His own to be conformed to the image of Jesus?
- Who does the predestining, calling, justifying, and glorifying?
- What does Paul say about the truth that God is for us? Do you believe and live like that?
- Is there anything or anyone (including yourself) that can separate you from the love of Christ? What does this tell us about our future?
Romans 9:1-29: God is Sovereign
- Paul loved his Jewish brothers enough to be willing to give up his salvation if they would respond to Christ by faith. Do you have that same burden for family and friends who are separated from Christ?
- Who are the "children of promise" to whom Paul refers?
- When God chose Jacob over Esau did that make Him unjust? Is it possible for man to understand how just God really is?
- Is it right for man to question God's judgment?
Romans 9:30-10:21: What About Israel?
- How would you describe the "stumbling stone" over which Israel fell?
- Were the Israelites zealous in their beliefs? Are there people today who are sincere in their beliefs even if those beliefs are anti-biblical? What should be our response to such people?
- What does it mean "to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord"?
- According to verse 13, for whom did Jesus die?
- How can one increase their faith?
Romans 11:1-10: A Remnant
- Did God reject Israel and turn His attention to the gentiles?
- When God speaks of a remnant of Israel, of whom is He speaking? (Jews, gentiles, a lost tribe?)
- Why did God harden Israel?
- Why is it important to us today that Israel was hardened?
Romans 11:11-24: Branches Grafted In
- Did Israel fall beyond recovery? Why did they fall?
- When Paul speaks of the "root" into which grafts have been placed and grafts have been removed, to whom or what is he referring?
- What is the criterion for being grafted in?
Romans 11:25-36: Israel Will Be Saved
- Is there coming a time when God will again turn His attention to Israel? If so, when?
- Why is it not possible for God to turn His back on Israel?
- Is God's mercy limited to certain people?
- Read Paul's doxology slowing and prayerfully allowing it to minister to your heart.
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