Exodus 30:1 – 40:38
30:1-38: More Instruction on Worship
Ø "This altar speaks of prayer, and we know this because the Bible uses incense as a symbol of prayer and praise in many places. (See Psalm 141:2; Rev. 8:3; Luke 1:9).[1]
Ø Atonement money is representative of what NT truth?
Ø "This laver (basin) of brass pictures our sanctification. We must wash if we are going to serve God. We must wash if we are going to be used by God. We must be clean. Not only should our garments smell like sweet incense, but our bodies should be washed with pure water. The pure water is the Word of God." [2]
Ø To whom does the "anointing oil" refer in the NT?
31:1-11: God Given Talents
Ø Does God give unique gifts and talents to His people?
Ø Were the gifts of "all kinds of crafts" of lesser importance than the gifts given to Aaron and the priests?
Ø Why do we categorize gifts and covet the gifts of others?
31:12-18: The Sabbath
Ø Why did God require the Hebrews to keep the Sabbath?
Ø Why do most Christians worship on Sunday rather than the Sabbath?
Ø How does Romans 14:5ff apply to the Sabbath and NT believers?
32:1-33:6: The Golden Calf
Ø What caused the people to approach Aaron and ask for him to make a "god"?
Ø What caused Aaron to concede to their wishes?
Ø What can the Church learn from this passage?
Ø Notice the exchange between God and Moses, what happened when Moses "stood in the gap" between God and His people? Application?
Ø Are there consequences to sin? Why don't we live like there are consequences to our sin?
33:7-34:35: Face-To-Face
Ø Moses and God had a "unique" OT relationship as noted in vs. 11. How did God recon-cile the "gulf" between He and all of mankind so that others could have that same face-to-face relationship that Moses had?
Ø Did Moses "see" the face of the Lord? Why or why not?
Ø Was there any difference on how the first set of stone tablets containing the 10 Commandments was made and how the second set was made?
Ø Why did Moses cover his face after being in the presence of the Lord?
35:1-38:31: The Tabernacle
Ø Notice the detailed instructions that God gave for the construction of the Tabernacle. Is God concerned about the details of our life?
Ø The Tabernacle was not only the "residence" of God when He was leading the Hebrews but it was also a picture of His majesty for the unbelievers. Does God reside in a Tabernacle made by hands today? What does that tell us about how we should live our lives before unbelievers?
Ø God demanded the best of everything for His earthly dwelling among the Hebrews. Is it unreasonable for Him to require our best in everything as His earthly dwellings today?
39:1-40:38: The Priests
Ø The priestly garments represented purity and holiness before God. How are God's priests today (See 1 Peter 2:9)?
Ø What is an ephod?
Ø What was the purpose of a breastplate?
Ø Note the precision with which the Tabernacle and the priests were prepared for the Lord.
Ø The Shekinah Glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. How does that apply to believers today?
[1]McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 05: Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Exodus 19-40). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary (93).
[2]McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 05: Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Exodus 19-40). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary (98).