Romans 4:16-8:17
Romans 4:16-25: The Promise
- Paul lists three things about the Promise. What are they?
- Did Abraham believe that God had the power to do as He had promised? Do you?
- How does God "credit righteousness" to each of us?
Romans 5:1-11: Justified by Faith
- What does it mean to be "justified"?
- How have we been justified?
- Through whom did that justification come?
- What does it mean that we have been "reconciled" to God?
Romans 5:12-21: Adam = Death; Christ = Life
- How did sin enter the world? Was it God's fault?
- What was the result of sin?
- How did "life" enter the world?
- The sin nature passes from one generation to another because all men are related to Adam. Does spiritual life pass from one generation to another because of man's relationship to his ancestors?
Romans 6:1-14: Alive in Christ
- Is it true that because we have been justified by grace we can go on sinning so that grace may be seen by others?
- What baptism is Paul referring to here?
- What has happened to our old nature? Do you really believe and act that way?
- In light of what Christ has done for us, how ought we to live?
Romans 6:15-23: Free to Sin?
- Should be sin now that we are not under the law?
- Is there such a thing as true "freedom"? If we are not a slave to Christ to whom are we a slave?
- What are the wages of sin? What is the gift of God? Why do people choose sin?
Romans 7:1-6: Marriage Illustration
- Is this passage a teaching about marriage?
- If not a teaching about marriage, then what is it teaching?
- If one has dies to Christ, of what value is the Law?
Romans 7:7-25: The Struggle with Sin
- What was the purpose, according to Paul, of the Law?
- Is the Law holy and good?
- What was the battle raging in Paul?
- How did he find victory over that battle?
Romans 8:1-17: No Condemnation!
- What does it mean that there is "no condemnation" for those who are in Christ?
- According to Paul do we have to be controlled by the sin nature?
- How can we get victory over that sin nature?
Practically speaking, what steps can you personally take to live according to Christ?