LESSON #39 (Week ending 10/03/10)

Romans 4:16-8:17

Romans 4:16-25: The Promise

  • Paul lists three things about the Promise. What are they?
  • Did Abraham believe that God had the power to do as He had promised? Do you?
  • How does God "credit righteousness" to each of us?


Romans 5:1-11: Justified by Faith

  • What does it mean to be "justified"?
  • How have we been justified?
  • Through whom did that justification come?
  • What does it mean that we have been "reconciled" to God?


Romans 5:12-21: Adam = Death; Christ = Life

  • How did sin enter the world? Was it God's fault?
  • What was the result of sin?
  • How did "life" enter the world?
  • The sin nature passes from one generation to another because all men are related to Adam. Does spiritual life pass from one generation to another because of man's relationship to his ancestors?


Romans 6:1-14: Alive in Christ

  • Is it true that because we have been justified by grace we can go on sinning so that grace may be seen by others?
  • What baptism is Paul referring to here?
  • What has happened to our old nature? Do you really believe and act that way?
  • In light of what Christ has done for us, how ought we to live?


Romans 6:15-23: Free to Sin?

  • Should be sin now that we are not under the law?
  • Is there such a thing as true "freedom"? If we are not a slave to Christ to whom are we a slave?
  • What are the wages of sin? What is the gift of God? Why do people choose sin?


Romans 7:1-6: Marriage Illustration

  • Is this passage a teaching about marriage?
  • If not a teaching about marriage, then what is it teaching?
  • If one has dies to Christ, of what value is the Law?


Romans 7:7-25: The Struggle with Sin

  • What was the purpose, according to Paul, of the Law?
  • Is the Law holy and good?
  • What was the battle raging in Paul?
  • How did he find victory over that battle?


Romans 8:1-17: No Condemnation!

  • What does it mean that there is "no condemnation" for those who are in Christ?
  • According to Paul do we have to be controlled by the sin nature?
  • How can we get victory over that sin nature?

Practically speaking, what steps can you personally take to live according to Christ?

LESSON # 38 (Week ending 09/26/10)

Romans 1:1-4:15


This letter was written in 57 or 58 AD, about 22 years after Paul's conversion, during his third missionary journey while he was in Corinth, staying in the home of Gaius (16:23; 1 Cor. 1:14).



Romans is addressed to "those who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ … in Rome" (1:6–7). There were small groups of believers meeting all over the city (16:3–5, 10–11, 14–15). Paul's personal greetings to many of them (16:3–16) suggest Paul had led them to Christ in other cities, and then, probably for economic reasons, they had relocated to the empire's capital city.



•     To announce his plans to visit the Christians in Rome, and to enlist support in his mission (15:24, 28–29)

•     To teach the fundamental doctrine of salvation in order to fortify them against the Judaizers (1–8)

•     To explain the unbelief of Israel and vindicate God's faithfulness in his dealings with that nation (9–11)

•     To give practical instruction in Christian living (12–16)



  • Paul's greeting (1:1–17)
  • Human sin and God's anger (1:18–3:20)
  • The gospel answer (3:21–5:21)
  • Dead to sin, alive to Christ (6:1–8:39)
  • What about Israel? (9:1–11:36)
  • How to live the good news (12:1–15:13)
  • And finally … (15:14–16:27)



Romans 1:1 – 1:7: Greetings

  • What is an "apostle"? Why could Paul call himself one?
  • How does Paul describe Jesus?


Romans 1:8-17: Paul's Ministry

  • Why was Paul thankful for the Romans? How did he remember them while away from them? Application for us?
  • Describe the "gospel" for which Paul was not ashamed?
  • What does it mean to be "ashamed" of the gospel?


Romans 1:18-32: God's Wrath

  • Why is God revealing His wrath against mankind?
  • How has God revealed His truth to man?
  • What does it mean that man's "thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened"?
  • When Paul says that "God gave them over . . ." explain what he means.
  • Is this passage still relevant for us today?


Romans 2:1-16: God's Judgment

  • On what is God's judgment based?
  • What does mankind do that brings down God's judgment?
  • What ought man's response to God be?


Romans 2:17-29: The Law

  • Why was God upset with the Jews, those to whom He gave His Law?
  • Paul was teaching a "new" understand of the Law. What was that teaching?
  • Application for us?


Romans 3:1-8: God's Faithfulness

  • Is there, in God's eyes, a difference between Jews and gentiles? If so, what?
  • Because the Jews are God's chosen people, do they have any special righteousness?
  • Is true salvation achieved any differently for the Jews than for the gentiles?
  • How is salvation gained for all men?


Romans 3:9-31: God's Righteousness

  • On whose righteousness is man judged?
  • Can any man achieve that standard of righteousness?
  • Is there any hope for mankind?


Romans 4:1-1: Abraham the Example

  • Was Abraham under the Law?
  • Why did God declare him righteous?
  • How can anyone be declared righteous before a perfect God?

LESSON #37 (Week ending 09/19/10)

Proverbs 22:17-31

Proverbs 22:17-23:35: Self Discipline

  • List the "sayings of the wise" that we are asked to apply to our hearts.
  • What practical applications can you make from these verses in your life?
  • What do the Proverbs teach about food?
  • Are there any instructions in these verses about child rearing?

Proverbs 24: Avoid Envy

  • Why should we not envy the wicked?
  • How should we respond when an enemy falls?
  • What does this passage teach about honesty?

Proverbs 25: Self-Control

  • What does Solomon say about personal humility?
  • What does he say in this chapter about personal relationships?
  • How are we to treat our enemies?

Proverbs 26: Watch Your Words

  • How does Solomon describe a "fool"?
  • How should we respond to a "fool"?
  • What is the remedy if we are acting foolish?

Proverbs 27: Friendship

  • Is it ever right to boast about yourself?
  • How should we respond when a friend corrects or rebukes us?
  • How can brothers/sisters in the Lord help one another to grow spiritually?

Proverbs 28: Obedience to the Law

  • What happens when everyone does what is right in their own eyes?
  • Why did God ordain civil governments?
  • What happens when one confesses his sins and fears the Lord?
  • How does Solomon describe one who trusts in himself?

Proverbs 29: Wisdom and Justice

  • How do people respond when the righteous thrive?
  • What gives civil government stability?
  • List the comparisons between fools and wise men.

Proverbs 30: Sayings of Agur

  • List how Agur describes God.
  • What did this wise man ask of God? How does that compare to the requests we make of God?
  • Notice the lists of "three (and four) things". What can we learn from these lists?

Proverbs 31: A Godly Woman

  • How is a godly women described?
  • How does this description compare to how society today views the ultimate woman?

What is the greatest attribute for a woman?

Lesson #36 (Week ending 09/12/10)

Proverbs 11:14-22:16

Proverbs 11:14-31: Wise vs. Unwise Actions

  • List several of the wise actions listed in this passage.
  • List the corresponding unwise actions.
  • What can we learn from these comparisons?
  • Is God aware of the actions of the righteous and unrighteous? Application?

Proverbs 12: Discipline and Diligence

  • Why does the writer say that we should "love" discipline?
  • Note the comparisons between the wicked and the righteous. List some of the adjectives that the writer uses to describe the wicked (undisciplined).
  • What can we apply from these verses in our daily walk with God?

Proverbs 13: Wisdom and Life

  • What words does the writer use to describe wisdom?
  • Are there any biblical exceptions to some of these Proverbs? If so, who would that be?
  • What wisdom is given in the passage concerning children? Application?

Proverbs 14: Wisdom and Earthly Power

  • From where (whom) does wisdom come?
  • Why is worldly wisdom so contrary to godly wisdom?
  • Who is it that attempts to keep man from focusing on God wisdom?
  • Is the way which looks correct to man, the right way? (14:12)

Proverbs 15: Wisdom in Heart and Speech

  • What does this section teach about the tongue?
  • The writer lists some very descriptive adjectives describing what the Lord thinks about the wicked. What are they?
  • What does this passage teach about greed?

Proverbs 16: God is Sovereign

  • Who is ultimately in charge? Do we really believe that???
  • When the Lord examines a man's actions, what is the most important thing to Him?
  • When our focus is on God, how will He bless us?
  • What is one of the greatest deterrents in receiving God's blessings? (16:18)

Proverbs 17: Avoiding Injustice

  • What does the writer say about injustice to the poor in this chapter?
  • Is dishonest gain ever justified?
  • What does God think about dishonest legal systems? (17:15)

Proverbs 18: Consequences of Decisions

  • What are the consequences of being a fool?
  • What are the benefits of being wise?
  • What part of the body has the "power of life and death"? (18:21) What does this mean? Application?

Proverbs 19: Wealth and Wisdom

  • List the comparisons in this passage. What do you learn from these comparisons?
  • What is the way to prosperity? By prosperity is the writer only speaking of earthly riches?
  • What does the writer say about the poor in this passage?
  • What is taught about children and wives?

Proverbs 20: Inner Motives

  • What do verses 20:1-5 teach about self-control?
  • Can anyone say they are without sin? (20:9)
  • What is taught about the tongue in 20:19-20?

Proverbs 21: The Sovereignty of God

  • Who control the king's heart? What does that mean?
  • What is most important to then Lord, obedience or sacrifice?
  • Who is ultimately in control and will judge all men?
  • Why does Solomon talk so much about ill-tempered wives? Application???

Proverbs 22: 1-16: Wealth and Riches

  • What does it mean that "a good name is more desirable than riches"?
  • Whose responsibility is it to train up a child? If it is done correctly what is the result?
  • Note the comparisons between the wicked and the generous. How should this affect our behavior?