LESSON #31 (Week ending 08/01/10)

1 & 2 Thessalonians


Paul wrote both of these epistles from the city of Corinth between 50 – 54 AD after visiting them and establishing a church there during his second missionary journey (see Acts 17).


Paul wrote to the Thessalonians to encourage them as they faced persecution from zealous Jews and to give further doctrinal teachings to the young and growing church.

1 Thess. 1: Great Faith Appreciated

Ø Paul lists three things (verse 3) for which he is thankful about the Thessalonians. What are they and what can we learn from them?

Ø In what ways did the Thessalonians demonstrate by their lives the impact the Gospel had on them?

Ø Is the response given by the Thessalonians to the Gospel normative? Application?

1 Thess. 2: Reminders of Paul's Ministry with the Thessalonians

Ø Did Paul face opposition while sharing the Gospel in Thessalonica?

Ø What was Paul's proclaimed reason for sharing the Gospel?

Ø Did Paul and the others with him share the Gospel by their words only? Application?

1 Thess. 3: Timothy's Great Report

Ø How did Paul multiply his ability to minister?

Ø Did the church grown in spite of persecution?

Ø What powerful "tool" did Paul use to minister to the Thessalonians while he was not with them?

1 Thess. 4 & 5: More Teaching and Questions Answered

Ø Is it important to live lives that please God? Why or why not?

Ø What was God's will for the Thessalonians (vs. 3-12)? Is it the same for us?

Ø In verses 4:13-5:11 what does Paul teach about death of believers and what will happen to believers who are alive when Jesus returns for His own?

Ø Is Paul referring to Christ's final return to earth or something else?

Ø How should this teaching affect the Church of Jesus Christ (vs. 5:11)? Does that apply to us also?

Ø In 5:12-22 Paul lists several "works" that should be a part of the believer's life. What are they and how do they apply to us?

2 Thess. 1: Prayer of Thanksgiving

Ø For what is Paul thankful here?

Ø When will God make right all the "wrongs" the church has suffered over the years?

Ø Verses 11-12 give us a wonderful example of a prayer we can use for our loved ones.

2 Thess. 2: More Teachings

Ø What must occur before the Lord returns to set up His Kingdom on earth?

Ø What will Satan use to deceive?

Ø What is the reason many will perish?

Ø Verse 2:13 gives a clear indication of how salvation takes place. Who is the author and finisher of salvation?

2 Thess. 3: Request for Prayer, Additional Warnings, and Final Greetings

Ø Why did Paul ask for prayer? Should we ask others to pray for us?

Ø Paul talks about idleness which means being unfruitful. How does Paul view idleness?

Ø How did Paul tell his readers to relate to someone who did not obey his teachings?

Ø Does this apply for us today?

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