LESSON # 25 (Week ending 06/20/10)

ACTS 18:18-21:36

18:18-21:36 Paul's Second Missionary Journey Continues

Ø 18:18-28: Priscilla and Aquila

ü As Paul traveled sharing the Gospel, how did he "multiply" his efforts at reaching people? Application for us?

ü Notice the method that Pricilla and Aquila used to witness to Apollos. What can we learn from their example?

ü What is the difference between the baptism of John that Apollos was teaching and "the way of God" that Pricilla and Aquila shared with Apollos?

Ø 19:1-41: Ministry in Ephesus

ü What are the differences between the two baptisms that Paul describes?

ü Did there come a time in his ministry at Ephesus when Paul quit trying to persuade the doubters? Application for us?

ü Because God gifted Paul with the ability to perform sign miracles, does that mean that God still gifts people in the same way today?

ü Did the formula "in Jesus' name" work for others who tried to duplicate the miracles that Paul was doing?

ü Why was there such an outpouring of hate toward the new Christian church in Ephesus?

Ø 20:1-12: Ministry in Macedonia and Greece

ü It was during this missionary time in Macedonia and Greece that many believe is when Paul wrote the letter to the Romans (Rom. 15:23-16:2).

ü On which day of the week did the people come together to break bread and to hear Paul? This is the first mention of the new church meeting on Sunday.

ü How long did Paul speak to the gathered people?

ü Sleeping in church is not something new.

Ø 20:13-38: A Farewell Address

ü Did Paul shirk from his ministry responsibilities because of the prison time and hardships that faced him in Jerusalem?

ü What was Paul's fear for the new church in Ephesus? Is that still a problem today?

ü The church at Ephesus grieved the fact that Paul was leaving? Why was it important for this church that Paul moves on? Application of today?

Ø 21:1-26: Back to Jerusalem

ü In light of the prophecies concerning what would happen to Paul in Jerusalem, was he wrong and going against the will of God to persist in his desire to return to Jerusalem?

ü What was Paul's argument for continuing on in spite of the impending troubles in Jerusalem?

ü Is it possible to be side tracked from God's perfect will by the concerns of people who love us and want the best for us?

ü After Paul shared his testimony about all that God was doing he learned that many of the Jews were upset with him and his teachings. Why were they so upset with Paul?

ü What did Paul do to try to placate those who were upset with him?

Ø 21:27-36: Arrested in Jerusalem

ü Did Paul's attempt to placate those upset with him succeed?

ü Were the charges brought against Paul accurate? Who else had previously faced trumped up charges? Should we expect anything less?

ü Why was the reaction against Paul so violent? Application for us?

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