God called Amos, from the southern kingdom, to head north with a message of exhortation and judgment for Israel. As a southerner, Amos was not very welcome in the north, yet he stood his ground, knowing that God had called him.
Amos would have been a contemporary of Hosea, another prophet to the northern kingdom."
To call Israel to repent of:
• outward actions such as violence, social injustice, and idolatry
• inward attitudes such as pride and heartless worship
Amid his denunciations, Amos proclaimed the coming messianic age."
• Amos is the only OT prophet called from one part of the divided kingdom to prophecy in the other part.
• Perhaps more than any other OT prophet, Amos shows that an effective minister of God does not need any prescribed level of education or social status; he or she needs only a call from God."[1]
1:1-3:15: Coming Judgments
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Damascus?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Gaza?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Tyre?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Edom?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Ammon?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Moab?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Judah?
Ø Why did God pass judgment on Israel?
Ø Does any of this have application for us? If so, what?
4:1-5:17: Condemnation; Lament; Call to Repentance
Ø How did God try to get His people's attention?
Ø Did their actions demonstrate that they heard Him?
Ø Is God's patience and long suffering inexhaustible?
Ø Is there application for us?
5:18-9:10: Warnings Against Israel
Ø Why did God pronounce "woes" against Israel?
Ø He despised three things that were prevalent in Israel (5:18-614), what are they?
Ø Does He despise those things today?
Ø When Amos prayed and cried out to the Lord, "He relented". What does it mean that the Lord relented?
Ø Was Israel's sin individual or national?
9:11-15: The Restoration of Israel
Ø God saves a remnant to rebuild His people. From which group of Israel does this remnant come?
Ø Why is it that there is always a remnant?
Ø Will God ever break His covenant promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
Ø Application for us?
[1]Willmington, H. L. (1997). Willmington's Bible handbook (461). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers.