LESSON #14 (Week ending 03/28/10)

Gen. 43:1 – 50:26

Chap. 43: Back to Egypt

Ø Who steps up to the plate to take responsibility and take charge? How has God changed Judah?

Ø What happened when Joseph saw Benjamin? Why?

Ø What do you think was going through their minds when they noticed that they had been seated according to age? Does God have a sense of humor?

Chap. 44-45: More Pressure and Then A Startling Revelation

Ø Did any of the attempts to purchase food or to bargain with Joseph earn his favor? Application for us?

Ø Once Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he makes a remarkable statement. See vs.7-8. Of which N.T. passage does this remind you?

Ø What can we learn about the way God works in the lives of His people from this passage?

Ø What can we learn from the way Pharaoh and the Egyptians responded to Joseph being reunited with his family?

46:1-47:12: A Family Reunited

Ø Are there instances when God leads His people into Egypt (the world)? For what purpose?

Ø When God led His people into Egypt, how were they received by the Egyptians?

Ø Are there any circumstances that your can think of where God would use that strategy today, leading His people into the world?

47:12-31: Because of Joseph, Egypt Prospers

Ø Why did God prosper Egypt during the time of Joseph?

Ø Can the blessings of God on His people "spill over" to the world? Remember Gen. 12:2-3?

Chap. 48: Manasseh and Ephraim

Ø What was the significance of Jacob adopting Joseph's two sons? Did this adoption alter the number of tribes of Israel? Why? Why not? (See 1 Chron. 5:1-2)

Ø Notice that the blessing of Joseph's sons repeated a theme that had begun three generations earlier. Now for four consecutive generations this reversed pattern was followed: Isaac over Ishmael, Jacob over Esau, Joseph over Reuben, and Ephraim over Manasseh. What does this show us about how God does things?

49:1-28: Jacob Blesses His Sons

Ø Did Reuben, the first born, receive a blessing? Were there consequences to his sin?

Ø Did Simeon and Levi receive blessings? Why? What became of the tribe of Levi?

Ø Who replaced Reuben, Simeon, and Levi in the listing of the twelve?

Ø What is the significance of Joseph being elevated to the position of first born?

49:29-50:21: The Mantle is Passed to Joseph

Ø Did the dream that Joseph had so many years earlier comes to fruition?

Ø How did Joseph respond to the fear of his brothers after Jacob's death?

Ø Notice v. 20 – "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." What does this teach us about forgiveness?

Ø Is there application for us today in verse 20?

50:22-26: The end of an Era

Ø What happened to the people of God while they were in Egypt?

Ø When Joseph was about to die, to whom did he direct his brothers for guidance? How many times did he do this? Is there a lesson for us here?

Ø Notice how Genesis began with creation and ended with a coffin. Is there any question as to the consequences of sin?

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