LUKE 19:28 – 22:62
19:28-44: The Triumphal Entry (see also Matt. 21:1-9; Mark 11:1-10; John 12:12-15)
Ø What is the significance of Jesus riding on a colt into the city?
Ø What is the significance of the disciples placing their cloaks along the road before Jesus?
Ø Had the crowds not proclaimed the arrival of the King, who/what would have?
Ø Do the events leading up to Jesus entering the city leave any doubt as to His identity? Is there application for people today?
Ø Think about verse 41. What does this tell you about Jesus?
Ø Did the majority of the people recognize Jesus for who He was? Application for today?
19:45-48: At the
Ø Is this the only time Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple? (See John 2:13-22)
Ø Why was He so upset with the money changers?
Ø Why were the religious leaders of the day trying to silence Jesus? If there application for us?
20:1-8: Jesus' Authority Questioned
Ø What was Jesus teaching that caused the religious leaders to question Him? Were they correct in confronting Him?
Ø Why didn't Jesus give them a straight forward answer to their questions?
Ø Is there ever a time when we are questioned about our faith that we should keep silent or not answer?
20:9-19: The Parable of the Tenants
Ø To whom does the vineyard owner refer?
Ø Who are the farmers who rented the vineyard? What is the significance of the vineyard being rented rather then owned by the farmers?
Ø Who are the servants of the vineyard owner?
Ø Who is the son of the owner?
Ø What does this parable teach about the character of God?
20:20-26: The Internal Revenue Service
Ø What were the dishonest questioners trying to get Jesus to do in this passage?
Ø Does Satan use that tactic today? How should we as believers respond to questions that try to trap us or make us look hypocritical?
Ø What does the answer Jesus gave tell us about our responsibility and/or allegiance to human government?
20:27-40: More Questions Aimed at Trapping Jesus
Ø Notice how absurd hypothetical question is that was asked of Jesus. When witnessing today, do people still asked absurd questions to get you off track? How should we answer them?
Ø Does Jesus' answer teach that the dead in Christ will become angels? What does it teach?
Ø Why is there no marriage in heaven?
20:41-47: Is Christ the Son of David?
Ø What is the argument Jesus is making for Christ being the son of David?
Ø What application does Jesus draw from His question for His listeners?
Ø What application is there in this passage for us?
21:1-4: The Widow's Mite
Ø Is the human value of the widow's offering (about 1/8 of a cent) what Jesus sees?
Ø Does God need our money?
Ø What is this passage teaching us about giving?
21:5-38: Signs of the End of the Age
Ø To what future event did the disciples understand Jesus to be referring in this passage?
Ø What did Jesus tell His disciples would happen to them before the events listed in verses 8-10?
Ø He speaks of the "times of the Gentiles being fulfilled" (v. 24). To what is He referring?
Ø When will the events spoken of in verses 25-28 take place?
Ø What did Jesus mean when He said "this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened"? (v. 32)
Ø What did He mean that heaven and earth will pass away?
Ø What does this passage teach us about being ready?
22:1-38: The Passover
Ø How could Satan "enter" Judas?
Ø Why did/do the Jews celebrate Passover?
Ø What was Jesus teaching His disciple about Himself when He broke the bread and passed the cup?
Ø After Jesus' beautiful picture of the Passover Lamb, what was the response of His disciples? Application for today?
Ø Why did Jesus tell His disciples to buy a sword?
22:39-62: Prelude to Crucifixion
Ø How did Jesus prepare for what He knew was coming?
Ø What does His prayer indicate about His humanity?
Ø How well did the disciples do in holding Jesus up in prayer? Application to us?
Ø Notice how Jesus continued to show compassion even when He was being arrested. What does that example teach us?
Ø Why did Peter deny his Lord? Most of us have never been in a situation like Peter where his life was in danger if he sided with the Lord. Yet, we too often deny our Lord. What "tools" do we have at our disposal to help us stand firm in our faith and to stand up for Jesus?