LESSON # 63 (Week ending 04/03/11)

MARK 6:6-9

6:7-13: Jesus Sends Out The Twelve

Ø Why did Jesus send out the twelve two-by-two?

Ø How did He empower them?

Ø Why did He instruct them to take no provisions?

Ø What did the “shaking the dust off their feet” symbolize?

Ø What can we learn from this passage?

6:14-29: John the Baptizer Beheaded

Ø Why did Herod have John beheaded?

Ø Why did Herod fear john? Is there any application for today?

Ø Why would the dancing of Herod’s step-daughter cause Herod to commit such a heinous crime?

Ø Can we expect people who do not accept the Bible to live by the morals of the Bible?

6:30-6:44: Feeding the 5000

Ø Why were the crowds following Jesus and His disciples?

Ø Despite hunger and need of rest, how did Jesus respond to the crowds? Any application for us?

Ø Was the feeding of all these people primarily to satisfy their hunger or to teach and increase the faith of His disciples?

6:45-6:56: Jesus Walks on the Water

Ø Why do you think Jesus sent His disciples off by boat while he stayed and dismissed the crowd?

Ø For whose benefit was the walking on the water?

Ø What happened as soon as he climbed into the boat?

Ø What prevented the disciples from totally understanding the miracles of Jesus? What prevents people today from seeing the acts of God all around us?

7:1-23: What’s Clean and What’s Unclean

Ø On what basis did the Pharisees claim the disciples were unclean, the laws of god or the traditions of man?

Ø De we ever require people to keep traditions of man?

Ø Was Jesus harsh with the Pharisees? Any application for us?

Ø According to Jesus, what makes a man unclean?

Ø Mark states that by this saying Jesus declared all food clean. How would the religious leaders of His day have reacted to that statement?

Ø Rather than food, what was the uncleanness about which Jesus was concerned?

7:24-37: Healings

Ø What was Jesus’ response to the Greek woman?

Ø By freeing the Gentile woman’s’ daughter from the demon, what was Jesus demonstrating?

Ø Why did Jesus respond to the woman the way He did?

Ø Did Jesus use the same method each time He healed or delivered? Why or why not?

Ø What was becoming the motivation for people coming to Jesus?

8:1-13: Feeding the 4000

Ø Had the faith of the disciples increased since the feeding of the 5000?

Ø While Jesus taught His disciples through the use of sign miracles, He understood that true faith cannot come by witnessing miracles.

Ø How did Jesus respond to the demand for more miracles from the Pharisees?

Ø Why does Paul instruct the Church to walk by faith and not by sight? Application?

8:14-21: Yeast of the Pharisees

Ø When Jesus speaks of the yeast of the Pharisees, to what is He referring?

Ø Did the disciples understand yeast?

Ø Do we sometimes miss what Jesus is saying to us today because we are not spiritually in tune?

8:22-30: Healing of the Blind Man

Ø What was different about this healing from the others Jesus did? Why?

Ø Did Jesus ever give us a “formula” so that we could heal as He did?

Ø Who is the Great Healer? Does He still heal? Does He need anyone to be the intermediary for that healing?

8:27-9:1: Peter’s Confession and Jesus’ Prediction

Ø What was unique about the area around Caesarea Philippi?

Ø What is so important about the question Jesus asked of His disciples?

Ø Is He still asking that question today? Has He asked you? How did you respond?

Ø Was Jesus clear in telling the disciples about His death? Did they understand Him?

Ø Who, according to Jesus, is His true disciple? Does that still apply to us?

9:2-13: The Transfiguration

Ø What did the transfiguration demonstrate about Jesus?

Ø Why were Elijah and Moses there? How did the disciples know who those two were?

Ø Did the three understand what had happened? When did they finally “get” it?

Ø To who was Jesus referring when He state: “Elijah has come”?

9:14-32: Healing, Deliverance, and More Teachings

Ø Why could the disciples not heal the little boy? Application for us?

Ø Notice the father’s reply to Jesus. Ever feel this way?

Ø What is Jesus’ formula for greatness? How are we doing?

Ø What can we learn from Jesus’ response to His disciples when they were concerned about the man, who was not one of them, casting out demons?

Ø What does Jesus say about causing someone else to fall into sin? Application for us?

LESSON #62 (Week ending 03/27/11)

MARK 1-6:6

The Gospel of Mark is chronologically the first Gospel that was written. It was actually one of the first books written in the New Testament . . . probably from Rome prior to a.d. 63.[1]

Different Gospel themes:

ü Matthew is the Gospel for the Jews, the Gospel of the past, the Gospel which represents Christ as the Messiah of the Jew.

ü Mark is the Gospel for the Romans, the Gospel which represents Christ as the Son of God and Lord of the world.

ü Luke is the Gospel for the Greeks, the Gospel of Jesus as the Good Physician and the Savior of Mankind.

ü John is preeminently the Gospel for the church, the Gospel of Christ as the Eternal Son, and the Incarnate Word.


1:1-13: The Ministry of John the Baptizer

Ø Of what other passages does the first verse in Mark remind you?

Ø What was John’s relationship to Jesus?

Ø What O.T. person did John picture?

Ø Was the water baptism of John different than the water baptism practiced in the church?

Ø Why did Jesus need to be baptized by John?

1:14-45: Jesus’ Early Ministry

Ø What was the message of Jesus and to whom was it primarily aimed?

Ø Would you have left your family and livelihood to follow someone like Jesus who you did not know?

Ø Where did Jesus go to teach? Significance?

Ø What groups were affected by Jesus’ early miracles?

Ø Did Jesus need solitary time with His Father? Application for us?

2:1-2:22: The Crowds Gather

Ø Why did the crowds gather in response to His miracles? Was this the result He intended?

Ø Why were the religious leaders beginning to grumble against Him?

Ø What is the significance of the calling of Levi?

Ø What is the significance of the parable about the wineskins?

2:23-3:6: Lord of the Sabbath

Ø Why did Jesus make it a point to minister on the Sabbath? Was He breaking the very command that he established?

Ø Why were the religious leaders so upset about His Sabbath activities?

Ø Do we have our own “Sabbath rules” today that limit our ability to minister?

3:7-35: Crowds, Apostles, and Beelzebub

Ø Why did Jesus limit the majority of His teaching to 12 men? Application for us today?

Ø Do you think Jesus knew at this time that Judas would later betray Him?

Ø To whom did the religious leaders attribute the power that Jesus demonstrated?

Ø Is it possible today to commit the unforgivable sin to which Jesus refers?

4:1-34: Parables

Ø What is a parable? Why did Jesus use them?

Ø Does the parable of the Sower teach that a believer can lose his salvation? If not, what does it teach?

Ø What does the parable about the lamp teach?

Ø What does the parable about the growing seed teach?

Ø What does the parable about the mustard seed teach?

4:35-6:6: Power Demonstrated

Ø In this passage, list the things over which Jesus demonstrates His power? What does this teach about Him?

Ø Why did Jesus say that “in his own house a prophet is without honor”?

Ø Why could He not do miracles in His hometown?

Ø Was the use of miracles during the first century unique? Why or why not?

[1]McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 36: Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Mark). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary (vii). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

LESSON # 61 (Week ending 03/20/11)


Chapter 21: Victories and Complaining

Ø After God gave them a resounding victory over the King of Arad, what did the Israelites do next? Application for us?

Ø What was the consequence for Israel’s rebellion this time? Who does the snake on the pole represent?

Ø Did God take care of His people during the wilderness wanderings? Application for us?

Chapter 22-24: Balaam

Ø How did Balak try to fight God and His people?

Ø Did Balaam seek the Lord before responding to Balak? Did he obey the Lord? What eventually caused him to go with the men of Balak?

Ø What happens when we go against the revealed will of God?

Ø Did Balaam repent? Did God use him? Application?

Chapter 25: Moab Seduces Israel

Ø What act initiated Israel’s sexual debauchery with Moab?

Ø Who did God use to carry out His judgment against those sinning and following other gods?

Ø What picture does this give us about how God feels about worshipping other gods?

Chapter 26: Another Census

Ø Why did God call for another census?

Ø What means did Moses use to divide the land?

Ø Is God even in the details of casting lots?

Chapter 27: What About Us?

Ø What does this passage teach us about how God dealt with unusual circumstances?

Ø How did God prepare Joshua to take over for Moses?

Ø Does God still raise up people today to lead His Church?

Chapter 28-30: Offerings and Vows

Ø Why did God have Moses repeat the offerings and feast days for the people?

Ø Why did God give the commands on vows before the people entered the Promised Land?

Chapters 31: The Midianites

Ø What was the final act that God had for Moses on this earth?

Ø Why was Moses angry that the Midianite women were spared? What does that tell us about separation?

Chapters 32: The Tribes on the Transjordan

Ø Why didn’t the tribes of Reuben and Gad want to enter the Promised Land? Was theirs an act of disobedience?

Ø Were there future consequences to their decision to not settle in the Promised Land?

Chapters 33: Stages in Israel’s Journey

Ø What were the Israelites supposed to do with the inhabitants of Canaan when they crossed into the land?

Ø Did they obey? What were the results?

Ø By application, if we do not totally and completely obey God and His Word, are we opening ourselves to further struggle with sin and Satan?

Chapters 34-36: Final Divisions of the Land

Ø Notice how specific the Lord was in describing the Land. This particular piece of real-estate has been the center of the world since God declared it His and has been the center of conflict since that day also.

Ø Although Satan continues to try to destroy what God ordained so many centuries ago, He is still the God of the Universe and His decrees will prevail! PTL!

LESSON #60 (Week ending 03/13/11)


Chapter 13: Exploring Canaan

Ø Why do you think the Lord wanted Moses to send spies into Canaan rather than just go in?

Ø What did they find in their explorations?

Ø What was their report? Were they looking at the possibilities or the problems? Application for us?

Ø Who spoke up against the fear mongers? In God’s plan is the majority always right?

Chapter 14: Rebellion

Ø How did the people respond to the report of the spies? What did this suggest about their faith? Application for us?

Ø How did Moses, Aaron, Caleb, and Joshua respond to the people? Who took over from there?

Ø Notice the prayer of Moses (14:17-19), what can we learn from this prayer?

Ø Are there consequences to sin even after forgiveness? Application?

Ø How did the Israelites try to compensate for their sin and appease God? Did it work?

Chapter 15: Additional Offerings

Ø From whom did God require the offerings? Was this requirement directed to any group other than the Israelites?

Ø What do the offerings for unintentional sin teach us about our heavenly Father?

Ø What does the stoning of the Sabbath breaker teach us about our heavenly Father?

Ø Why did God require tassels on their garments? How did God change that command later (see Jeremiah 31:33)?

Chapter 16: More Unrest

Ø What was the complaint of those opposed to Moses?

Ø What was the response of Moses?

Ø What happened to those who opposed God’s anointed? Can you find any application for those who oppose the plan of God today?

Ø How did God’s judgment on those opposing Moses affect the rest of the people? Why did the Israelites (just like people today) rebel against God and His righteousness?

Chapter 17: Aaron’s Staff

Ø What did the budding staff represent?

Ø Why did God use physical signs with the Israelites?

Ø Is God’s communication with His Church today any different? (See 2 Cor.4:18; 5:7)

Chapter 18: Priests and Levites

Ø Who determined which tribe would care for the sanctuary? Does God still choose and gift people today for His specific purposes?

Ø What has changed, since the Cross, on the prohibition to come close to God and His sanctuary?

Chapters 19: Water of Cleansing

Ø What is different in this offering than the others?

Ø Read Exodus 32, do you think this is God’s response to that event?

Ø While no one is completely sure as to the reason and meaning of this ritual, it may have been God’s way of providing a convenient way of ceremonial cleansing because of the number of people who were dying in the wilderness.

Chapters 20: Water From the Rock

Ø When obstacles arose what was the first response of the people of Israel? How about us, are we any different?

Ø What was Moses told to do by God to provide water for the people? What did he do?

Ø What were the consequences of Moses’ actions?

Ø Why was God seemingly harsh on Moses? (See Luke 12:48)

Ø What is the significance of Edom denying passage through its territory? Application for today?