NOTE: There is no lesson for the week ending 06/06/10
ACTS 15:36-18:17
15:36-16:5 Disagreement and Division
- What caused the dissention between Paul and Barnabas?
- If both men were committed to Christ and intent on following Him, how could there be such a strong disagreement?
- How did this division help the cause of the Gospel?
- Why did Paul pick Timothy to go with him?
- Why did Paul require Timothy to be circumcised?
16:6-18:17: Paul's Second Missionary Journey
- 16:6-10: Off to Macedonia
- Why were Paul and his companions in Galatia rather than in Asia (Ephesus)?
- Why was Paul not allowed to enter Mysia?
- To what area was the Spirit of the Lord leading Paul? Does God still lead His people into specific ministries?
- 16:11-15: Ministry in Philippi
- In what Macedonian city did Paul first preach?
- Apparently there was not a synagogue in the city because Paul, on the Sabbath, looked for a place to pray. It was here that Lydia was saved.
- How did Lydia's conversion happen?
- What was the role of baptism in Lydia's conversion? Application for today?
- 16:16-40: Persecution in Philippi
- The original language indicates the slave girl had a "spirit of divination". (Literally, "The spirit of a Pythoness.")
- If the spirit in the girl was not of God, how could it know the purpose and ministry of Paul? (See Mark 3:12; Luke 4:34; James 2:19)
- Why, if she was professing the ministry of Paul, did he call the demon out of her?
- Rather than rejoicing that the girl was now free from the evil spirit, her masters were angry. Why? Application for today?
- If Paul and his brothers were persecuted for preaching the Gospel and setting people free from oppression, why should we feel that the same will not happen to us?
- How did Paul and Silas respond to their brutal treatment?
- Did God use their testimony in the lives of those around them in the jail?
- How was the jailer saved?
- How does the experience of Paul and Silas apply to us?
- 17:1-9: Ministry in Thessalonica
- What method did Paul use in the synagogue to share the Gospel? Does the situation, or audience, ever dictate the way we ought to share the Gospel?
- Why did the religious leaders react so negatively against Paul and Silas?
- Should we expect Satan to "play fair"?
- Is there ever a time to move on to new ministry opportunities? How do we know when and where to go?
- 17:10-15: Ministry in Berea
- How did the Berean people respond to Paul's teaching? Application for us?
- How did Paul and his fellow missionaries handle the persecution in Berea as compared to Thessalonica?
- Is every ministry situation the same? How can we know how we are to handle each situation?
- 17:16-34: Ministry in Athens
- Why did the intellectuals in Athens want to hear what Paul had to say about God?
- Did Paul adjust his presentation of the Gospel to fit the situation?
- In verses 22-31 Paul gives an excellent presentation of the Gospel. How can we adapt his words to fit our situation?
- Are we comfortable enough with sharing the Good News that we can adjust to whatever situation in which God places us?
- 18:1-17: Ministry in Corinth
- How did Paul support himself on this missionary journey?
- How did Paul respond to abusive opposition in Corinth? When people reject our presentation of the Gospel, do we have any further obligation to those people? Who is the One who convicts and saves?
- Why did Paul stay so long in Ephesus in light of the opposition there?
- Has God changed? Is He still able to protect and bless our ministry when we are in His will?